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Peer reviewed journals
- Büchel, S.; Sundrum, A. (2014): Short communication: Decrease in rumination time as an indicator of the onset of calving. In: Journal of Dairy Science 97, 3120-3127. http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0022030214001684.
- Büchel, S.; Sundrum, A. (2014): Technical note: Evaluation of a new system for measuring feeding behavior of dairy cows. In: Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 108, 12-16. http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0168169914001707.
- Lindgren, K.; Bochicchio, D.; Hegelund, L.; Leeb, C.; Mejer, H.; Roepstorff, A. K.; Sundrum, A. (2014): Animal health and welfare in production systems for organic fattening pigs. In: Organic Agriculture 4, 135-147.
- Machmüller, A.; Sundrum, A. (2014): The influence of country-specific calculation methods on the farm nutrient comparison according to the Fertilizer Ordinance. In: Appl. Agric. Forestry Res. 64, 17-30.
- Werner, C.; Schubbert, A.; Schrodl, W.; Kruger, M.; Sundrum, A. (2014): Effects of feeding different roughage components to sows in gestation on bacteriological and immunological parameters in colostrum and immune response of piglets. In: Archives of animal nutrition 68, 29-41.
Book contribution
- Sundrum, A. (2014): Organic Livestock Production. In: Van Alfen, Neal K. (ed.): Encyclopedia of agriculture and food systems 4. San Diego, 287-303.
Conference papers
Hoischen-Taubner, S.; Bielecke, A.; Sundrum, A. (2014): Different perspectives on animal health and implications for communication between stakeholders. In: Schobert, H.; Riecher, M.-C.; Fischer, H.; Aenis, T. a. Knierim, A. (eds.): Farming systems facing global challenges: Capacities and strategies, 8-16.
Hoischen-Taubner, S.; Bielecke, A.; Sundrum, A. (2014): Knowledge Transfer Regarding Animal Health. In: Rahmann, G. a. Aksoy, U. (eds.): Building Organic Bridges. Proceedings of the 4th ISOFAR Scientific Conference at the Organic World Congress 2014, October 13 - 15, 2014 in Istanbul, Turkey. Thünen-Report 20,2. Braunschweig, 481-484.
Machmüller, A. a. Sundrum, A. (2014): Tool for systemic assessment and optimization of nutrient efficiency in dairy farming. In: Federal Office for Agriculture and Food (BLE) (ed.): Innovation Days 2014, New ideas for the market. Bonn, 294-298.
Selle, M.; Hoischen-Taubner, S.; Sundrum, A. (2014): A deductive approach to animal health planning in organic dairy farming: Method description. In: Schobert, H.; Riecher, M.-C.; Fischer, H.; Aenis, T. a. Knierim, A. (eds.): Farming systems facing global challenges: Capacities and strategies, 540-548. (Poster)
Sommer, H.; Schulz, H.; Sundrum, A. (2014): Development of essential amino acid content during the growth phase of fine-seeded legumes. In: Pekrun, C.; Wachendorf, M. a. Francke-Weltmann, L. (eds.): Technik der Pflanzenproduktion. Conference proceedings 2014. Communication of the Society for Crop Science 26. Göttingen, 222-223.
Sommer, H.; Schulz, H.; Sundrum, A. (2014): On the contribution of alfalfa to the supply of essential amino acids in permanent grassland. In: Thuringian State Institute for Agriculture (ed.): Maintaining and utilizing the multifunctionality of permanent grassland, 139-142.
Sommer, H.; Schulz, H.; Sundrum, A. (2014): On the contribution of white clover to the supply of essential amino acids in permanent grassland. In: Thuringian State Institute for Agriculture (ed.): Maintaining and utilizing the multifunctionality of permanent grassland, 147-149.
Sommer, H.; Schulz, H.; Hartmann, S.; Sundrum, A. (2014): On the contribution of red clover to the supply of essential amino acids in permanent grassland. In: Thuringian State Institute for Agriculture (ed.): Maintaining and utilizing the multifunctionality of permanent grassland, pp. 143-146.
Sommer, H.; Sundrum, A. (2014): Amino acids in the leaf mass of alfalfa and various clover species. In: Society of Nutrition Physiology (ed.): Proceedings of the Society of Nutrition Physiology 23, 134.
Sommer, H.; Sundrum, A. (2014): Determining the feeding value and digestibility of the leaf mass of alfalfa (Medicago sativa) and various types of clover. In: Schobert, H.; Riecher, M.-C.; Fischer, H.; Aenis, T. a. Knierim, A. (eds.): Farming systems facing global challenges: Capacities and strategies, 1698-1704.
Sommer, H.; Sundrum, A. (2014): Suitability of the NIRS method for the analysis of amino acids in alfalfa and clover-like legumes. In: Pekrun, C.; Wachendorf, M. a. Francke-Weltmann, L. (eds.): Technik der Pflanzenproduktion. Conference proceedings 2014. Communication of the Society for Crop Science 26. Göttingen, 224-225.
Sommer, H.; Sundrum, A. (2014): In vitro digestibilities of crude protein and lysine parameters of leaf mass and whole plant of alfalfa and other clovers. In: Pekrun, C.; Wachendorf, M. a. Francke-Weltmann, L. (eds.): Technik der Pflanzenproduktion. Proceedings 2014, Communication of the Society for Crop Science 26, Göttingen, 98-99.
Sommer, H.; Sundrum, A. (2014): Leaf mass of clover-like legumes as a protein source in organic pig nutrition. In: Rahmann, G. a. Aksoy, U. (eds.): Building Organic Bridges. Proceedings of the 4th ISOFAR Scientific Conference at the Organic World Congress 2014, October 13 - 15, 2014 in Istanbul, Turkey. Thünen-Report 20,2. Braunschweig, 489-492 (Poster).
Sommer, H.; Sundrum, A. (2014): Pig related in vitro-digestibility of crude protein in the leaf mass of alfalfa and various clover species. In: Society of Nutrition Physiology (ed.): Proceedings of the Society of Nutrition Physiology 23, 130.
Sundrum, A. (2014): Requirements for animal nutrition and feeding from the perspective of animal-friendly husbandry of ruminants. In: Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (ed.): Workshop - Beitrag der Tierernährung zur Tiergesundheit und zum Tierwohl, 3-4.
Sundrum, A.; Hoischen-Taubner, S. (2014): Bridging the Gap -Impact Matrix Analysis and Cost Benefit Calculations to Improve Management Practices Regarding Health Status in Organic Dairy Farming. In: Rahmann, G. a. Aksoy, U. (eds.): Building Organic Bridges. Proceedings of the 4th ISOFAR Scientific Conference at the Organic World Congress 2014, October 13 - 15, 2014 in Istanbul, Turkey. Thünen-Report 20,2. Braunschweig, 467-468 (Poster).
Practice-oriented contributions
- Sommer, H.; Sundrum, A. (2014): Less mass, more content. In: Dlz primus pig 2014, 25-27.