Purchase barrier price


Duration of project

April 2007 to March 2009

Contact person at the University of Kassel

Sabine Plaßmann

Head of project

Purchasing barrier price? – Analysis of the willingness to pay and the purchasing behaviour on organic products

Research project within the framework of the Federal programme for organic agriculture (BÖL)


Description of project:

According to more than 20 years research on consumer behaviour, price is the main purchasing barrier for organic products. This can be challenged by the fact that subjective price perception and consumers' evaluation are influenced by many factors. The project therefore aims to give an answer to the question to what extent the stated consumers' willingness to pay meets their actual purchasing behaviour. An analyses is to be carried out how exactly consumers of organic products know the prices of organic products which they intend to buy (price knowledge), how much consumers want to pay for these products at a maximum (willingsness to pay), if and to what extent consumers perceive changes of prices and to what extent their stated willingness to pay and the purchasing behaviour correspond with each other.