Vegan organic products
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Project end report
In cooperation with
FiBL Deutschland e.V.
Forschungsinstitut für biologischen Landbau
Andreas Möstl
Postfach 90 01 63
60441 Frankfurt am Main
Duration of project
June 2017 - December 2019
Contact person and project partner at University of Kassel
• Prof. Dr. Ulrich Hamm
• David Kilian
Research Project „The significance of vegan organic products for organic agriculture“
Research project within the framework of the Federal Organic Farming Scheme and other forms of sustainable agriculture (BÖLN)
Funded by the Federal Office for Agriculture and Food
Vegan food has gained significantly in importance in recent years. This research project investigated the relevance of the vegan trend for the organic sector and how organic actors can react to it. Within the project, consumers and actors along the value chain for organic food were interviewed. 503 consumers with different diets were surveyed about their attitudes towards vegan food and their willingness to pay for it. For people who also eat meat the environmental benefits of vegan food hardly mattered and the taste of vegan food was a purchase barrier. Although the respondents perceived vegan food as expensive, many consumers were still willing to pay an extra price for vegan products.
Organic producers and retailers still saw market potential for vegan food products, even though lack of networking was an obstacle. An analysis of vegan food websites showed that they emphasised taste as well as environmental benefits of vegan products. Actors from the catering sector pointed out that kitchen staff often has little knowledge about the preparation of vegan food. In vegan organic agriculture, there is need to investigate the long-term impact of animal free manuring on nutrient and humus concentration in soils. If consumers were aware of the special aspects of vegan agriculture, they were willing to pay extra for organic products from vegan agriculture.
For producers, caterers and retailers, it can be recommended to start a joint marketing campaign for vegan organic food products. Organic farmers applying vegan organic agriculture have a differentiating characteristic and can realise first mover advantages. Competences of kitchen staff in preparing vegan food should be strengthened.