Misginaw Tamirat Arficho
5 June 2020: Misginaw successfully defended his thesis at Humbold University Berlin
Misginaw holds a Master of Science in Agricultural Economics from the Haramaya University, in Ethiopia. He previously obtained a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Economics from the Bahir Dar University, Ethiopia (2006); and also a certificate in Value Chain Management from CAH Dronten and Stoas Hogschols in the Netherlands (2011). He served the Hadiya Zone Finance and Economic Development Office from 2006 to 2008 as a Development team leader. Beginning from 2010 he has worked in Jimma University as a Lecturer and Researcher in the Department of Agricultural Economics and Rural Development. His main areas of expertise include socio economic research especially on pastoralism, climate change, smallholder’s livelihood, micro finance and value chain development.
Currently he is working on his PhD at the department of agricultural Economics, division of Environmental Governance at Humboldt University of Berlin. His doctoral research makes an institutional analysis of climate change adaptation in pastoral communities in Ethiopia.
Research focus
Pastoralism, smallholder’s livelihood, ecological governance and market developments
Misginaw Tamirat, 2013. Econometric estimation of herd stocking decisions in South Ethiopia. Journal of Development and Agricultural Economics. Vol(6)32.pp 2400-2407. May 2013.DOI.10.5897/JDAE12.20
Bogale, A., Tamirat, M. and Alemu, D. (2014) Empirical investigation of pastoralists’ behaviour towards participation in cattle market in Omo Valley of Southern Ethiopia. Journal of Developing Areas 41(1)
Misginaw T.(2014). Financial constraints and entrepreneurial activity choice in Jimma area. Journal of Development and Agricultural Economics 6(1)
Misginaw Tamirat. Price spread analysis of cattle. (2011). Journal of Biology, Agriculture and Healthcare.
Misginaw Tamirat, Dawit Alemu and Ayalneh Bogale (2011). Production and marketing behaviour of Hadiya pastoralists. Journal of Humanities and Social Studies.
Misginaw Tamirat and Ayalneh Bogale (2012). Cattle production system in pastoral areas of Hadiya zone, Southern Ethiopia) African Journal of Agricultural Research Vol. 7(25), pp. 3729-2738
Misginaw Tamirat (2011). Constraints and Opportunities of Cattle Commercial off take in Pastoral Area of Hadiya Zone, South Ethiopia: VDM Publisher. 2011.