Module "International management"
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MSc International Food Business and Consumer Studies
MSc Sustainable International Agriculture
- The process of globalisation and its impact on the agri-food sector;
- Corporate social responsibility, governance and accountability;
- The role of transparency of products and markets in the context of an increasingly globalised world;
- International developments in and governance of environmental and social reporting;
- The management of global value chains in the agri-food sector;
- Social and environmental responsibility in supply chain management;
- The management and reporting of environmental and social information in complex organizational settings (such as multinational food businesses);
- The contrasting perspectives in social responsibility and accountability of business across borders.
Learning goals
The module aims are:
- To deepen the students' understanding of the role of food business in society and the social responsibility and accountability issues that arise in a global business setting;
- To familiarise students with the concepts and frameworks used in responsible and sustainable food business, the development of business principles for responsible food businesses, to meet stakeholders' interests;
- To provide students with the knowledge and confidence to critically reflect corporate practice;
- To raise awareness for different perspectives which provide contrasting and competing ways of making sense of responsible food business practices.
Learning methods
Lectures and short lectures combined with facilitated group discussion; seminars include problem-based learning elements such as case studies.
Contact hours
Lectures 30 hours and seminar 30 hours
Method of assessment
Written report in the form of a "learning journal" (60% of the overall assessment); oral examination (40%)
Further information
Please see examination regulations (e.g. breakdown of student learning hours) and moodle (e.g. timetable slot, location)