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Frankenhäuser Fachgespräche: Clover grass - compulsory or optional?
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Frankenhausen expert talks: Clover grass - compulsory or optional?
January 23, 2025, 16:00-18:00
Hessian state domain Frankenhausen, 34393 Grebenstein
What is it about?
Clover grass plays a key role in organic farming - as a soil conditioner, feed source and nitrogen source. But how can clover-grass management be further optimized? What role must or can clover-grass play on livestock-free or low-livestock farms? And where is the line between necessity and luxury? Together with farmers, consultants and scientists, we will discuss findings from practice and research. The opening event of the Frankenhäuser Gespräche will feature short contributions from Markus Rose (farmer, Bio-Börde GbR), Stephan Gehrendes (consultant, Bioland) and Christian Bruns (research, University of Kassel). However, the focus will be on exchanging ideas in order to develop new ideas together. The discussion will be moderated by Birge Wolf, University of Kassel.
Who is it for?
All farmers, consultants, scientists, students and interested parties who care about the future of organic farming. Participation is free of charge. So that we can better plan the catering, please register at: anmeldung[at]agrar.uni-kassel[dot]de
Frankenhausen expert talks
In the new series of events Frankenhäuser Fachgespräche, farmers, scientists and consultants will present their perspectives on current challenges in organic farming. We invite you to the Hessian State Domain Frankenhausen, the teaching, research and transfer center for organic agriculture and regional development of the University of Kassel. Here, on more than 320 hectares, work and research is carried out on future concepts for plant cultivation, animal husbandry, biodiversity promotion and resource management - on the farm and with a range of scientific approaches including long-term trials and practical research networks.