Turn-over and effects of plant-based fertilisers in organic vegetable production


Dept. Soil Biology & Plant Nutrition, Dr. T. Müller


BMVEL, Bundesprogramm Ökologischer Landbau


06 / 2002  till 12 / 2003

Participants at FOEL

  • Peter von Fragstein und Niemsdorff

Main aim of the project is to find out to which extent plant-based fertilisers can be effective as N supplies for vegetable crops. Background of that approach is the high use of animal-based fertilisers (originated from slaughtered animals out of conventional farming systems) in organic vegetable cultivation and the attempt to demonstrate the use of plant-based fertilisers (ideally out of self-production) to meet justified claims of system-conform fertilisers. 

The investigations will be carried out in three steps: (1) incubation trials in the labs, (2) pot trials in the green house, (3) field trials at the research farm Hessian Estate Frankenhausen. Parameters for assessment will be N mineralisation, N transfer, fresh and dry matter yield of crops, N content, N yield, and nitrate accumulation in soil.

Publications/Final report:

  • Fragstein und Niemsdorff, P. von, Müller, T. (2006): Plant based organic fertilisers -a viable nutrient source for organic market gardens. Acta horticulturae 700, 255-260. 
  • Müller, T., Fragstein und Niemsdorff, P. von (2006): Organic Fertilisers Derived from Plant Materials: I. Soil Turnover at Low and Medium Temperatures. Journal of Plant Nutrition & Soil Science 169, 255-264.
  • Müller, T., Fragstein und Niemsdorff, P. von (2006): Organic Fertilisers Derived from Plant Materials: II. Turnover in field trials. Journal of Plant Nutrition & Soil Science 169, 265-273.
  • Müller, T. , Fragstein und Niemsdorff, P. von (2006): Mineralisation und Pflanzenverfügbarkeit von N aus leicht umsetzbaren organischen Düngern pflanzlicher Herkunft. Mitteilungen der Deutschen Bodenkundlichen Gesellschaft 107, 262-262.