Links to organic farming
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Info about organic farming
- Central information portal organic farming
- Federal Ministry of Agriculture
- Foundation for Ecology and Agriculture (SÖL)
- Information and addresses on organic farming in Europe
- EU-Info-Portal on Organic Agriculture
- ZADI - Agricultural Information Portal
- Competence Center Organic Farm ing Information on Organic Farming in Northern Germany
- GEH Society for the preservation of old domestic animal breeds
- Permaculture
- IIED Sustainable Program of the International Institute for Environment and Development, London
- Katalyse-Institut, Cologne Environmental information
- Federal associations for natural food and natural products
- Biosiegel State certification mark for organic farming
- Bio Fach World Trade Fair for Natural Food and Natural Products (DE)
- INFOP Information Network for Organic Produce
- Vacations on organic farms in Germany
Research and teaching
- Thünen Institute for Organic Agriculture
- University of Bonn Institute for Organic Agriculture
- University of Giessen Chair of Organic Agriculture
- Institute for Biodynamic Research Darmstadt
- FIBL, Switzerland Research Institute of Organic Agriculture, Frick
- University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences, Austria Institute of Organic Agriculture, Vienna
- ENOAT - European Network of Organic Agriculture Teachers
- Organic Research and adresses in Europe compiled by SÖL and FIBL
- Organic Research and education worldwide created by CABI
Cultivation associations
- BÖLW German Association of the Organic Food Industry
- Bioland
- Biopark
- Demeter
- Ecovin
- Gäa
- Naturland
- Organic Circle East Bavaria
- Bio-Austria Austrian organic umbrella organization
- Bio-Suisse Swiss organic umbrella organization
- IFOAM World - Umbrella organization
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