Witzenhausen and colonialism

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Continuation of the work

In the year of remembrance 2023/24, 125 years after the founding of the German Colonial School, a wide range of topics relating to history, remembrance, responsibility and the future were addressed in a variety of formats. The response to the events showed that there is great interest in engaging with and discussing different positions. Dealing with history is never finished and is a continuous process.

For this reason, the open working group of groups, institutions and individuals from the university and the town community continues to meet.

Witzenhausen and colonialism

From colonial past to present-day responsibility?

To receive up-to-date information, please send a message with the subject subscribe to the following address:


Contact: klingeberg-behr[at]uni-kassel[dot]de

125 Years German Colonial School Witzenhausen

2023 marked the 125th anniversary of the founding of the German Colonial School (DKS) in Witzenhausen. The DKS marks the foundation of the agricultural history of Witzenhausen as a research and teaching location. At the same time, the DKS is clearly part of a colonial tradition in which serious human rights crimes were committed.

Next working group meeting

The working group Witzenhausen and Colonialism will meet on:

Donnersteg the 20.02.25 at 10:00

Room will follow shortly.

Resolution of the Department of Organic Agricultural Sciences on the colonial history of agricultural education in Witzenhausen

Invitation to the rededication of the memorial stone on 8.11.2024

5:15 p.m. to 6:30 p.m.

Old monastery, inner courtyard, Steinstraße Witzenhausen.

Followed by joint participation in the memorial service at the former synagogue


The working group "Witzenhausen and Colonialism" cordially invites you to the ceremonial rededication of the memorial stone for the victims of colonial and National Socialist regimes of violence in the monastery courtyard. This stone, which was laid in 1988 as a reminder "of the participation of members of the German Colonial School Witzenhausen in the Jew-baiting and persecution", will be placed on a new pedestal in a prominent position on the campus. From now on, it will serve as a reminder that the German Colonial School in Witzenhausen taught, lived and helped shape the ideologies of colonial and National Socialist regimes of violence between 1899 and 1944. It is intended to be a symbol of the continued need for commitment against discrimination and for democracy as well as tolerant and respectful coexistence.

Re-inauguration of the memorial stone in the former monastery courtyard

Nov 08, 2024 - 17:15

Speeches will be translated into English


The working group Witzenhausen and Colonialism invites you to a re-inaugaration of the memorial stone for the victims of colonial and Nazi regimes of violence. The stone was laid in 1988 in the courtyard of the monastery building as a critical memorial "of the participation of members of the German Colonial School Witzenhausen in agitation against and persecution of Jews", and will now be placed on a new pedestal. It is intended to be a reminder that colonial and Nazi ideologies of violence were taught, lived and developed at the German Colonial School in Witzenhausen from 1899-1944. It is meant as a symbol of the continuing need for active participation against discrimination and for democracy as well as an atmosphere of tolerance and respect.

de - colonizing the ex - colonial school Witzenhausen (Workshop on 15./16.6.2024)

a performative safer space with experi_theater Zurich

We had a Dora in the southwest (movie on 26.4.2024)

Film and discussion about the women's colonial school in Rendsburg with Joana Schröder

Friday, April 26
Admission: 19.00  Film starts: 19.30
Free admission

Capitol Cinema Witzenhausen

Wir hatten eine Dora in Südwest
Germany / Namibia | 1991 | Director: Tink Diaz | Documentary | Recommended for ages 14 and up | German (English passages German voice-over| 70 minutes | Women / Gender / Colonialism / Racism

Joana Schröder
Curator of the exhibition "From Rendsburg into the wide world. The Colonial Women's School" at the Rendsburg Museum (July 9 to October 8, 2023).

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Do we need a new Enlightenment (lectures on 6.5.2024)

What role does the Enlightenment play in today's globalized and networked world? What new challenges require a new form of enlightenment? And what can this new enlightenment look like?

Do we need a new Enlightenment (lectures on 6.5.2024): Read More

Action day Enlightenment 2.0 (discussion on 26.10.2023)

The pioneering role of science on the path from (neo-)colonial structures to partnership-based cooperation and responsibility 2.0"

Action day Enlightenment 2.0 (discussion on 26.10.2023): Read More
