
Open consulting jobs - Applications are open until the 27th of August, 2023

We are currently undertaking the project ‘Mainstreaming Climate Change into Higher Education and Research in Pakistan’, which is focused on supporting Pakistani higher education in integrating climate change into their curricula.

In the scope of this project, we are looking for qualified consultants to develop a complete course module on one of the following topics:

- Climate change governance: theory, practice & emerging frontiers
- Gender, Climate Chance and Disaster
- Climate Resilient Agriculture & Food System (with focus on nutrition and health)
- Climate Data: Models, Remote Sensing & Observations

Please note that the applications are now being accepted, with a deadline of August 27, 2023.

Please don’t hesitate to reach out to Samavia Batool (samavia.batool@uni-kassel.de) or Dr. Rike Becker (rike.becker@uni-kassel.de) in case of any queries.

Details on the scope of work, deliverables, timeline and required qualifications can be found in the Terms of References for all four courses, and can be downloaded below: