Indo-German Conference on Rural-Urban Transitions
01.02. - 03.02.2023
University of Agricultural Sciences, GKVK Campus, Bengaluru, India
The second Indo-German Conference on Rural-Urban Transitions in February 2023 presented the scientific progress and knowledge gained in the field of rural-urban transformations. The three-days programme was a vivid forum for exchange and an interdisciplinary discourse among the project members, students, invited speakers, and international guests. While on one hand, it concluded seven years of joint research in the Indo-German Project framework of FOR2432, it also showed new perspectives for future research, including more South-South collaboration.
Session themes:
1. Rural-urban dynamics in food systems and livelihoods
2. Land and water use in rural-urban transitions
3. Rural-urban dynamics in ecosystem service provisions
4. Lifestyles and well-being in rural-urban transitions
5. Research networks and future perspectives
Conference impressions
Session 1
K.N. Ganeshaish
University of Agricultural Sciences Bangalore
Opening keynote
Session 2
Ankit Agarwal
Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Roorkee, India
Constructed wetland management in urban catchments for mitigating floods
Session 3
Asmita Sengupta
Ashoka Trust for Research in Ecology and the Environment
Ecological functions and ecosystem services in emerging urban landscapes
Session 4
Jamuna Prakash
University of Mysore, India
The changing food environment: Dietary health burden and associated challenges
Stephan von Cramon-Taubadel
University of Göttingen, Germany
The development of agricultural prices – short-run shocks, long-run trends and implications
Session 5
Andreas Bürkert
University of Kassel, Germany
Plant Production and Agroecosystems Research
History and future of rural-urban transitions
Evening Session
Karen Seto
Yale University, USA
Urbanisation and climate change: Two imperatives for the 21st century