International Center for Development and Decent Work
Funding: DAAD
Duration: Phase I 2010 - 2014, Phase II 2015-2019, Phase III 2020-2022
ICDD is one of the five Centers of Excellence for Exchange and Development funded by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) through the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD). The ICDD at Kassel University is a global think tank network which contributes to the fight against global hunger and poverty through research and education. It focuses on the United Nations Millennium Development Goal 1 target 2 „Achieve full and productive employment and decent work for all, including women and young people“. To achieve its goals, the ICDD focusses on development and decent work by combining social, agricultural and natural sciences with an inter- and trans-disciplinary approach and by addressing agricultural commodity chains and their particular potential for decent work opportunities.
PhD theses: Muhammad Tariq (Cuvillier), Muhammad Asif Raza
Hameed A., Schlecht E., Tariq M., Scheper C., König S., Roessler R. 2022. Phenotypic and genetic diversity of domestic yak (Bos grunniens) in high-altitude rangelands of Gilgit-Baltistan, Pakistan. Journal of Animal Breeding and Genetics 00, 1-15. DOI 10.1111/jbg.12730
Hameed A., Tariq M., Buerkert A., Schlecht E. 2022. Constraints and prospects of utilising mountain pastures in Gilgit-Baltistan, Pakistan. Pastoralism 12, 41. DOI 10.1186/s13570-022-00253-5
Raza, M.A., M. Younas, A. Buerkert, E. Schlecht. 2014. Ethno-botanical remedies used by pastoralists for the treatment of livestock diseases in Cholistan desert, Pakistan. Journal of Ethnopharmacology 151, 333–342.
Raza, M.A, M. Younas, E. Schlecht 2016. In vitro efficacy of selected medicinal plants from Cholistan desert, Pakistan, against gastrointestinal helminths of sheep and goats. Journal of Agriculture and Rural Development in the Tropics and Subtropics 117(2), 211–224.
Raza, M.A., M. Younas, E. Schlecht. 2014. Prevalence of gastrointestinal helminths in pastoral sheep and goat flocks in the Cholistan desert of Pakistan. The Journal of Animal and Plant Sciences 24(1), 127-134.
Rehman, S.U., M. Predotova, I.A. Khan, E. Schlecht, A. Buerkert. 2013. Socio-economic characterization of integrated cropping systems in urban and peri-urban agriculture of Faisalabad, Pakistan. Journal of Agriculture and Rural Development in the Tropics and Subtropics 114(2), 133-143.
Tariq, M., J. Hagmann, L.H. Dossa, M. Younas, E. Schlecht. 2014. Structural characterization of dairy production systems in Faisalabad, Pakistan as basis for their efficient resource management. Pakistan Journal of Agricultural Sciences 51, 1069-1080.
Tariq, M., M. Younas, A.B. Khan, E. Schlecht. 2013. Body Measurements and Body Condition Scoring as Basis for Estimation of Live Weight in Nili-Ravi Buffaloes. Pakistan Veterinary Journal 33(3): 325-329.
Working papers
- Livestock management practices and nutrient use efficiencies in peri-urban dairy farms of Faisalabad (Working Paper by Jonas Hagmann)
- Working conditions of female farm labor (Working Paper by Juliane Erbach)
- General aspects of Pakistan’s urban milk market (Working Paper by Muhamad Younas)