General hydrogeology
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General hydrogeology
The basic concepts of general hydrogeology, from both the geologic and engineering hydrologic perspectives, will be presented with respect to the study of the occurrence and movement of groundwater.
- Water cycle and groundwater,
- Classification of the geohydraulic subsurface: Aquifer and non-conductor.
- geological basics, classification of rocks
- quantification of the porous medium: porosity and hydraulic conductivity
- Groundwater flows
- Darcy's law
- Groundwater flow equation
- Well flow and pumping tests
- Geochemistry of water
- Basics of (pollutant) transport
- Remediation of contaminated sites
Previous knowledge: Hydromechanics, Engineering Hydrology I
A reprint of the lecture is available.
The lecture is recognized with 3 credits after completion of a homework.