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2024 | November | Lecture at the 33rd Kassel-Darmstadt Construction Operations Seminar on Formwork Technology
Prof. Middendorf spoke at the33rd Kassel-Darmstadt Construction Operations Seminar on 14.11.24 to participants from the construction industry and academia on the subject of structural repair with high-performance concretes (HPC / UHPC). In addition to the many ways in which these special concretes can be used in civil engineering, Prof. Middendorf also reported on their use in the repair of listed concrete structures. He explained that the extremely dense special concretes with mechanical properties adapted to the substrate material are ideal for restoration, as surfaces and color can also be adapted, thus preserving the cubature of the object. However, Prof. Middendorf also criticized the lack of acceptance of UHPC by the relevant bodies in Germany, which is reflected in the fact that this material is still not standardized for the repair of our bridges and may only be used after positively evaluated, complicated and time-consuming individual approvals. He noted that numerous European and non-European countries have made significant progress in this respect by developing standards and guidelines in order to be able to exploit the potential of UHPC with its many technical advantages for the repair of infrastructure as standard.