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Marcel Laabs (M.Sc.)

Scientific employee

Mönchebergstraße 7
34125 Kassel
Ingenieurwissenschaften III, 1314

Curriculum Vitae  (Marcel Laabs (M.Sc.))

2012-2016: Study of Geology/Mineralogy at the TU Bergakademie Freiberg (B.Sc.)

2016-2018: Study of geosciences, specialization in mineralogy at the TU Bergakademie Freiberg (M.Sc.)

2018-2021: Research associate at the TU Bergakademie Freiberg, Institute of Energy Process Engineering and Chemical Engineering.

Since 07/2021: Research associate at the Department of Materials in Civil Engineering and Construction Chemistry at the University of Kassel

Publications  (Marcel Laabs (M.Sc.))

Reinmoeller, M., Schreiner, M., Laabs, M., Scharm, C., Yao, Z., Guhl, S., Neuroth, M., Meyer, B., Gräbner, M., 2023. Formation and transformation of mineral phases in biomass ashes and evaluation of the feedstocks for application in high-temperature processes. Renewable Energy 210, 627–639.
Laabs, M., Vateva, I., Laner, D., Middendorf, B., 2023. Simultaneous utilisation of municipal solid waste incineration ash/slag as binder and aggregate substitute, in: KU Leuven (Hrsg.), 8th Slag Valorisation Symposium. Mechelen, S. 113–117.
Eden, W., Istanbuly, Z., Laabs, M., Middendorf, B., 2023. Eignung von Sägeschlämmen aus der Fertigung von Kalksandstein-Planelementsystemenbausätzen als Optimierungszusatz für die KS-Produktion. Forschungsvereinigung Kalk-Sand e.V., Hannover.
Laabs, M., Istanbuly, Z., Eden, W., Middendorf, B., 2023. Verbesserung der CO2‐Bilanz von Kalksandsteinen durch den Einsatz von Sägeschlamm als Optimierungszuschlag. ce/papers 6, 1613–1617.
Scharm, C., Küster, F., Laabs, M., Huang, Q., Volkova, O., Reinmoeller, M., Guhl, S., Meyer, B., 2022. Direct reduction of iron ore pellets by H-2 and CO: In-situ investigation of the structural transformation and reduction progression caused by atmosphere and temperature. Minerals Engineering 180, 107459.
Hommel, C., Laabs, M., Vogt, T., Vogt, C., Guhl, S., Meyer, B., 2022. Continuous measurement of K and S release by means of ETV-ICP OES for high-temperature coal conversion processes. Fuel 316, 123292.
Reinmoller, M., Kong, L., Laabs, M., Ge, Z., Hommel, C., Farid, M.M., Shi, W., Schreiner, M., Cao, X., Guhl, S., Bai, J., Meyer, B., 2022. Methods for the determination of composition, mineral phases, and process-relevant behavior of ashes and its modeling: A case study for an alkali-rich ash. Journal of the Energy Institute 100, 137–147.
Laabs, M., Schwitalla, D.H., Ge, Z., Kong, L., Bai, J., Guhl, S., Meyer, B., 2022. Comparison of setups for measuring the viscosity of coal ash slags for entrained-flow gasification. Fuel 307, 121777.
Shi, W., Laabs, M., Reinmoeller, M., Kong, L., Vassilevae, S.V., Guhl, S., Bai, J., Meyer, B., Li, W., 2021. The fusion mechanism of complex minerals mixture and prediction model for flow temperature of coal ash for gasification. Fuel 305, 121448.
Reinmoeller, M., Sieradzka, M., Laabs, M., Schreiner, M., Mlonka-Medrala, A., Kopia, A., Meyer, B., Magdziarz, A., 2021. Investigation of the thermal behaviour of different biomasses and properties of their low- and high-temperature ashes. Fuel 301, 121026.
Schwitalla, D.H., Guhl, S., Laabs, M., Reinmoeller, M., Bai, J., Meyer, B., 2021. Thermochemical and analytical approach to describe secondary slag phase formation and local process conditions in a full-scale BGL gasifier. Fuel Processing Technology 217, 106833.
Schwitalla, D.H., Guhl, S., Koerner, J., Laabs, M., Bai, J., Meyer, B., 2021. Meta-study on the effect of P2O5 on single phase slag viscosity and the effect of P2O5 induced liquid phase immiscibility on dispersion viscosity. Fuel 305, 121501.
Shi, W., Laabs, M., Reinmoeller, M., Bai, J., Guhl, S., Kong, L., Li, H., Meyer, B., Li, W., 2021. In-situ analysis of the effect of CaO/Fe2O3 addition on ash melting and sintering behavior for slagging-type applications. Fuel 285, 119090.