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Janna Link (M.Sc.)

Research assistant

Mönchebergstraße 7
34125 Kassel
Ingenieurwissenschaften III, 1312

Curriculum Vitae  (Janna Link (M.Sc.))

2013 -2020: Study of civil engineering at the University of Kassel (B.Sc.), topic of final thesis: Adsorption behavior of superplasticizers in highly alkaline binder systems

2020 -2022: Study of civil engineering at the University of Kassel (M.Sc.), Topic of thesis: Microstructural investigations on the bond between metallic fibers and UHPC based on alkaline activated binders

since 05/2022: Research Assistant at the Department of Materials in Civil Engineering and Construction Chemistry at the University of Kassel

Publications  (Janna Link (M.Sc.))

Link, J., Teichmann, F., Wetzel, A., Müller, S., Middendorf, B., 2025. An Initial Study of Ultra High Performance Concrete as Reusable Mold Material for Aluminum Casting. Materials 18, 153.
Link, J., Wetzel, A., Schwab, J., Müller, S., Middendorf, B., 2024. A reusable Concrete Mold for Light-Metal Casting

, in: Fehling, E., Middendorf, B., Thiemicke, J. (Hrsg.), Ultra-High Performance Concrete and High Performance Building Materials for Sustainable Construction : Proceedings of HiPerMat 2024 6th International Symposium on Ultra-High Performance Concrete and High Performance Construction Materials, Kassel, March 6-8, 2024 Kassel University Press, Kassel, S. 247–252.
Link, J., Wetzel, A., Müller, S., Middendorf, B., 2023. Ultra-high performance alkali-activated slag as a reusable mold for light metal casting. ce/papers 6, 329–334.
Wetzel, A., Link, J., Middendorf, B., 2023. Faserbewehrter UHPC auf Basis von alkalisch aktivierten Bindemittel. ce/papers 6, 934–940.
Schleiting, M., Wetzel, A., Link, J., Middendorf, B., 2023. Fibre reinforced ultra‐high performance concrete - Rheology, fibre bond strength and flexural strength. ce/papers 6, 926–933.
Wetzel, A., Link, J., Middendorf, B., 2022. Adsorption of PCE in alkali-activated materials analysed by fluorescence microscopy. Journal of Microscopy 286, 79–84.