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M. Sc. Franziska Henkel
Research assistant
- Telephone
- +49 561 804-2635
- franziska.henkel[at]uni-kassel[dot]de
- Location
- Mönchebergstraße 7
34125 Kassel
- Room
- Ingenieurwissenschaften III, Room 2107
- Consultation Hours
By arrangement
Fields of work
- Integrated traffic planning
- Traffic survey
- Traffic modeling
supervised courses
- Basics of traffic planning
- Seminar empirical traffic planning
Identification and quantification of possible rebound effects in passenger transport.
- Social2Mobility II:
Enabling social participation and bicycle mobility,
Subproject A - Model development, process evaluation, quantitative impact evaluation and recommendations, ongoing since 2022 - Social2Mobility:
More social participation through integrated spatial, transport and social planning,
Subproject 1: Theoretical foundations, quantitative empirics and recommendations, completed in 2022
Publications (selection)
Engbers, M.; Rozynek, C.; Henkel, F.
"Participation through cycling? Not if you don't have the money", in: Hamburgische Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Gesundheitsförderung e.V. (HAG), StadtpunkteTHEMA, Bewegt euch! you like it. On the diverse aspects of physical activity promotion, issue 01/2024, page 16-17, Hamburg, 2024Fischer, A.; Rozynek, C.; Henkel, F.; Sommer, C.
"Forschungsstand und Konzepte zum Zusammenhang zwischen Mobilität und sozialer Exklusion", in: Sommer, C.; Lanzendorf, M.; Engbers, M.; Wermuth, T. (eds.), Soziale Teilhabe und Mobilität. Fundamentals, instruments and measures for integrated transport and social planning,, Springer VS, 2024Henkel, F.; Fischer, A.; Sommer, C.
"Mobilitätsoptionen, Mobilitätsverhalten und Mobilitätsbarrieren armutsgefährdeter Haushalte mit Kindern", in: Sommer, C.; Lanzendorf, M.; Engbers, M.; Wermuth, T. (eds.), Soziale Teilhabe und Mobilität. Fundamentals, instruments and measures for integrated transport and social planning,, Springer VS, 2024Henkel, F.; A.; Sommer, C.
"Entwicklung eines Index zur Quantifizierung von Mobilitätsoptionen", in: Sommer, C.; Lanzendorf, M.; Engbers, M.; Wermuth, T. (eds.), Soziale Teilhabe und Mobilität. Fundamentals, instruments and measures for integrated transport and social planning,, Springer VS, 2024Fischer, A.; Henkel, F.; Sommer, C.
"Entwicklung und exemplarische Anwendung eines Bewertungssystems mit Fokus auf soziale Wirkungen für mobilitätsbezogene Maßnahmen", in: Sommer, C.; Lanzendorf, M.; Engbers, M.; Wermuth, T. (eds.), Soziale Teilhabe und Mobilität. Fundamentals, instruments and measures for integrated transport and social planning,, Springer VS, 2024Henkel F., Sommer C.
"Procedure for the quantification of mobility options", in Research Association for Roads and Transportation, HEUREKA '24, Conference Documentation Online, FGSV 002/140, FGSV-Verlag, Cologne, 2024Fischer, A.; Henkel, F.
"The social and ecological dimension of the transport transition: Obstacles of people at risk of poverty in the use of eco-mobility", in: University of Kassel, Institute of Transport, Nahverkehrs-Tage 2023. Verkehrswende und ÖPNV: Wie holen wir alle an Bord, bevor der Zug abgefahren ist?, Schriftenreihe Verkehr, Heft 36, Kassel University Press, ISBN 978-3-7376-1127-5 , Kassel, 2023Sommer, C.; Henkel, F.; Fischer, A.; Lanzendorf, M.; Rozynek, C.; Engbers, M.; Geschwinder, K.; Gapski, J.; Dietrich, A.-M.; Meier, N.
"Social2Mobility Policy Brief. Preventing mobility poverty. How can social participation through mobility be enabled within the framework of integrated transport, spatial and social planning?", in: Working Papers on Mobility Research No. 34, DOI: https: // , Working Group Mobility Research, Institute for Human Geography, Goethe University Frankfurt am Main, Frankfurt a. M., 2023Engbers, M.; Kesper, F.
"Focusing on the case: A joint learning session between science and practice.", in: SynVer*Z: Reallabore für urbane Transformation - Methoden, Akteure und Orte experimenteller und ko-produktiver Stadtentwicklung am Beispiel der BMBF-Zukunftsstadtforschung, pp.79-84, (Available at, 2022- Böttger, D.; Kesper, F.; Gerhardt, N.; Ganal, I.
"Analyse der Wirtschaftlichkeit von Investitionen in Erneuerbare Energien in Klimaschutzszenarien", in: 11th International Energy Economics Conference at the Vienna University of Technology, IEWT 2019, Vienna, 2019
Lectures (selection)
- "Development and application of a method for quantifying mobility options"; Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting 2025; Washington, D.C., 06.01.2025
- "Social2Mobility II - Enabling social participation and bicycle mobility"; 8th exchange meeting NRVP projects and others on mobility education; Digital, 26.09.2024
- "Social2Mobility II: Enabling social participation and bicycle mobility"; Digitaler Salon #3 in the 2023/2024 academy year of the Mobilitätsforum Bund; Topic: Cycling promotion as health promotion; digital, 24.04.2024
- "Procedure for the quantification of mobility options"; HEUREKA '24, Stuttgart, 13.03.2024
- "The social and ecological dimension of the transport transition: Obstacles of people at risk of poverty when using the environmental alliance"; Nahverkehrs-Tage 2023; Verkehrswende und ÖPNV: Wie holen wir alle an Bord, bevor der Zug abgefahren ist?; Kassel, 22.09.2023
- "Integrated consideration of the social and ecological dimension of the mobility transition: Barriers to using sustainable transport systems by people at risk of poverty"; European Transport Conference 2023; Milan, 08.09.2023
- "Effects of multiple discrimination on mobility options - Development and application of an intersectional analysis concept using the example of the city of Ronnenberg (Hannover region)"; ARL-Congress Zukunftsfähig Mobil! How can socially just and ecologically responsible mobility be planned?; Expert session: Mobility and participation - a question of gender and intersectionality; Leipzig; 22.06.2023
- "Mobility options and mobility behavior of people from households at risk of poverty with children - findings based on empirical studies in the Hanover region"; 6th Dortmund Conference on Spatial and Planning Research; Dortmund, 13.02.2023
- "Development of an index for the quantification of mobility options"; University Conference on Transportation 2022; Weimar, 25-27.09.2022
2023 | Winning the Best Paper Award at the Local Transport Days |