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Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Detlef Kuhl
Head of department
- Telephone
- +49 561 804-1815
- kuhl[at]uni-kassel[dot]de
- Location
- Mönchebergstraße 7
34125 Kassel
- Room
- Möncheberg 7, Raum 3717
- Consultation Hours
By appointment by e-mail.
- Mechanics I
- Mechanics II
- Mechanics III
- Numerical Mechanics I
- Numerical Mechanics II
- Simulation Methods for Wind Power Plants
- Computational Dynamics (Vietnamese-German University, Ho-Chi-Minh City, Vietnam)
Summer Schools
- Spatial and Temporal Discretization Methods for Non-Linear Structural Dynamics, 06.-10. December 2004, Sts. Cyril and Methodius University, Skopje, Macedonia
- Computational Mechanics of Materials and Structures (COMMAS), 13.-14. October 2005, University Stuttgart
- Computational structural dynamics - i) linear structural dynamics ii) non-linear structural dynamics, 24.-27. April 2009, Sts. Cyril and Methodius University, Skopje, Macedonia
- M.Sc. Summer School on Computational Dynamics (6 ECTS) at the Vietnamese-German University, 11.-22. July 2011, 9.-20. July 2012, Ho-Chi-Minh City, Vietnam
- PhD Seminar 'Introduction in the Finite-Element-Methods', in the field of chemistry and material scince, 1.-2. December 2011, University of Saarland, Saarbrücken
- SFB/TR TRR 30 Summer School on 'Simulation of Thermo-Mechanical Processes in Fluids and Solids'. Lecture 'Computational Thermo-Mechanics of Solids', Bielefeld, 24.-28. September 2012
University for Children
- 'Higher, faster, wider: The secret of bridge construction' and 'Children-University-Olympics: Who builds the longest bridge?', 24. April 2013 und 29. June 2013, Kinderuni Kassel
- 'Higher, faster, wider: The secret of bridge construction' and 'Children-University-Olympics: Who builds the longest bridge?', 23. January 2013 und 6. February 2013, Kinderuni Witzenhausen
- 'Higher, faster, wider: The secret of bridge construction' and 'Children-University-Olympics: Who builds the longest bridge?', 9. October 2009 und 30. October 2009, Kinderuni Kassel
- 'Higher, faster, wider: The secret of bridge construction' and 'Children-University-Olympics: Who builds the longest bridge?', 17. November 2010, 9. February 2011, Förderverein für ein zukunftsfähiges Melsungen e.V., Stiftung kinder- und familienfreundliches Melsungen e.V.
- 'Higher, faster, wider: The secret of bridge construction', 13. January 2011, Kinderakademie Collegium Cellense
- 'Higher, faster, wider: The secret of bridge construction' und 'Children-University-Olympics: Who builds the longest bridge?', 21. March 2012, 17. April 2012, Kommunaler Service Verbund Eisenberg, Korbach
D. Kuhl, Modellierung und Simulation von Mehrfeldproblemen der Strukturmechanik.Habilitationsschrift, Lehrgebiet Strukturmechanik, Lehrstuhl für Statik und Dynamik, Ruhr-Universität Bochum, 2004
D. Kuhl, Stabile Zeitintegrationsalgorithmen in der nichtlinearen Elastodynamik dünnwandiger Tragwerke.Dissertation, Institut für Baustatik, Universität Stuttgart, 1996
Book Chapter
D. Kuhl, T. Gleim & B. Schröder (2013)
Time-adaptive computation of finite thermoviscoplastic structures, in W. Homberg, D. Biermann & H.-P. Heim, eds, "Functionally Graded Materials in Industrial Mass Production. Volume 2", Verlag Wissenschaftliche Scripten, Auerbach, pp. 235-244.
D. Kuhl, A. Meister, T. Gleim & P. Birken (2013)
Thermal fluid-structure-interaction of cooling process in steel forming, in W. Homberg, D. Biermann & H.-P. Heim, eds, "Functionally Graded Materials in Industrial Mass Production. Volume 2", Verlag Wissenschaftliche Scripten, Auerbach, pp. 257-268.
T. Gleim, D. Kuhl & B. Schröder (2013)
Electrothermal simulation of inductive heating processes, in W. Homberg, D. Biermann & H.-P. Heim, eds, "Functionally Graded Materials in Industrial Mass Production. Fundamentals", Verlag Wissenschaftliche Scripten, Auerbach, pp. 129-136.
P. Birken, T. Gleim, D. Kuhl & A. Meister (2013)
Thermal Fluid-structure-interaction, in W. Homberg, D. Biermann & H.-P. Heim, eds, "Functionally Graded Materials in Industrial Mass Production. Fundamentals", Verlag Wissenschaftliche Scripten, Auerbach, pp. 137-144.
F. Stangenberg, R. Breitenbücher, O.T. Bruhns, D. Hartmann, R. Höffer, D. Kuhl, G. Meschke (2009)
Lifetime-Oriented Structural Design Concepts, D. Hartmann, D. Kuhl: Chapter 4: Methodological Implementation, Springer-Verlag, Berlin
Peer-reviewed Papers
P. Birken, T. Gleim, D. Kuhl & A. Meister
Fast Solvers for Unsteady Thermal Fluid Structure Interaction, In: International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids, submitted 2015
T. Gleim, B. Schröder & D. Kuhl
Nonlinear Thermo-Electromagnetic Analysis of Inductive Heating Processes. Archive of Applied Mechanics, accepted 2015, March
T. Gleim & D. Kuhl
Higher Order Accurate Discontinuous and Continuous ρ-Galerkin Methods for Linear Elastodynamics. Zeitschrift für Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik, 93, pp. 177-194, 2013
S. Carstens & D. Kuhl
Numerical Analysis of Diffusion and Heat Conduction Problems by Means of Discontinuous Galerkin Methods in Space and Time. Journal of Materials Science and Engineering B2, Vol. 1, 70-80, 2012
S. Carstens & D. Kuhl
Higher Order Accurate Implicit Time Integration Schemes for Transport Problems. Archive of Applied Mechanics, accepted, 2011
S. Krimpmann & D. Kuhl
Simulation of Calcium Leaching by Means of an Electro-Chemo-Mechanical Dissolution-Diffusion Model. Revista de Ingeniería INNOVA, Vol. 1, 28-39, 2011
D. Kuhl, G. Meschke, S. Krimpmann & J. Kruschwitz
Der Beton lebt:Computersimulationen prognostizieren die Lebensdauer von Betontragwerken. Deutsches IngenieurBlatt, 07-08, 16-20, 2009
S. Carstens & D. Kuhl
Tensegrity - Islands of Compression in a Sea of Tension. GACM Report, 19-27, 2008
D. Kuhl & G. Meschke
Numerical Analysis of Dissolution Processes in Cementitious Materials Using Discontinuous and Continuous Galerkin Time Integration Schemes. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, Vol. 69, No. 9, 1775-1803, 2007
V. Cichellero, W. Fleming, D. Kuhl & G. Meschke
Anàlisis del Modelo Higrotérmoico de Oberbeck para Hormigón. Obras y Proyectos. Revista de Ingeniería Civil, No. 2, 24-35, 2006
D. Kuhl & G. Meschke
Numerical Analysis of Dissolution Processes in Cementitious Materials Using Discontinuous and Continuous Galerkin Time Integration Schemes. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, submitted, 2005
S. Carstens & D. Kuhl
Non-Linear Static and Dynamic Analysis of Tensegrity Structures by Spatial and Temporal Galerkin Methods. Journal of the International Association for Shell and Spatial Structures, Vol. 46, No. 2, 116-134, 2005
F. Bangert, D. Kuhl & G. Meschke
Modeling and Numerical Simulation of Concrete Deterioration by Alkali-Silica Reaction. International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics, Vol. 28, 689-714, 2004.
D. Kuhl, F. Bangert & G. Meschke
Coupled Chemo-Mechanical Deterioration of Cementitious Materials. Part 2: Numerical Methods and Simulations. International Journal of Solids and Structures, Vol. 41, No. 1, 41-67, 2004
D. Kuhl, F. Bangert & G. Meschke
Coupled Chemo-Mechanical Deterioration of Cementitious Materials. Part 1: Modeling. International Journal of Solids and Structures, Vol. 41, No. 1, 15-40, 2004
S. Grasberger, F. Bangert, D. Kuhl & G. Meschke
Numerical Modeling of Environmentally Induced Deterioration of Concrete. International Journal for Restoration of Buildings and Monuments, Vol. 9, No. 3, 1-20, 2003
F. Bangert, S. Grasberger, D. Kuhl & G. Meschke
Environmentally Induced Deterioration of Concrete: Physical Motivation and Numerical Modeling. Engineering Fracture Mechanics, Vol. 70, Nos. 7-8, 891 - 910, 2003
D. Kuhl, J. Riccius & O.J. Haidn
Thermomechanical Analysis and Optimization of Cryogenic Liquid Rocket Engines. AIAA Journal of Propulsion and Power, Vol. 18, No. 4, 835-846, 2002
D. Kuhl & E. Ramm
Time Integration in the Context of Energy Control and Locking Free Finite Elements. Archives of Computational Methods in Engineering. State of the Art Reviews, Vol. 7, 299-332, 2000
D. Kuhl & M.A. Crisfield
Energy Conserving and Decaying Algorithms in Non-Linear Structural Dynamics. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, Vol. 45, 569-599, 1999
D. Kuhl & E. Ramm
Generalized Energy-Momentum Method for Non-Linear Adaptive Shell Dynamics. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, Vol. 178, 343-366, 1999
S. Krämer, D. Kuhl, H. Menrath & E. Ramm
Dynamische Analyse der Fußgängerbrücke über den Allmandring in Stuttgart. Bauingenieur, Band 73, 274-282, 1998
D. Kuhl & E. Ramm
Constraint Energy Momentum Algorithm and its Application to Nonlinear Dynamics of Shells. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, Vol. 136, 293-315, 1996
Conference Papers
T. Gleim, B. Schröder & D.Kuhl
Higher order accurate discontinuous p-Galerkin methods for electro-thermal analysis. In: E. Oñate, J. Oliver and A. Huerta (Eds.). 11th World Congress on Computational Mechanics (WCCM XI), Barcelona, 20. - 25. July 2014
P. Birken, T. Gleim, D. Kuhl & A. Meister
Fast Solvers for Thermal Fluid Structure Interaction. In: B. Brinkmann & P. Wriggers (Eds.). International Conference on Computational Methods in Marine Engineering (MARINE), Hamburg, 29. - 31. May 2013
D. Kuhl & B. Schröder
Numerical Analysis of Large Strain Thermoplasticity and Thermoviscoplasticity of Metal Forming Processes. International Symposium on Plasticity, Nassau (USA), 03. - 08. January 2013
T. Gleim, D. Kuhl & B. Schröder
Numerical Simulation of Indcutive Heating Processes. In: S. Idelsohn, M. Papadrakakis & B. Schreffler (Eds.), Coupled Problems 2013, Ibiza, 17. - 19. June 2013
M. Weiland, M. Berth, P. Birken, S. Carstens, D. Kuhl, A. Meister, O. Wünsch
Experimental Investigations of Thermal Fluid-Structure Interaction. In: Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Thermo-Mechanically Graded Materials, Kassel, 29 .- 30. October 2012
P. Birken, T. Gleim, D. Kuhl, A. Meister
Numerical Simulation of Nonlinear Thermal Fluid Structure Interaction. In: Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Thermo-Mechanically Graded Materials, Kassel, 29. - 30. October 2012
S. Carstens, D. Kuhl
Error Based Adaptive Galerkin Time Integration Schemes for Thermal Contact Phenomena. In: Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Thermo-Mechanically Graded Materials, Kassel, 29. - 30. October 2012
S. Carstens & D. Kuhl
Numerical Analysis of Transport Processes by Means of Discontinuous Galerkin Methods in Space and Time. In: Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Computer Methods in Mechanics Warsaw, Poland, 9. - 12. May 2011
D. Kuhl, S. Carstens, S. Krimpmann, M. Weiland, W. Dietz, R. Fletling, O. Stemper, A. Rupp & C. Kögel
Tensegrity - Von der Vision zur Realisierung eines Messestands. In: G. Hofstetter, Y. Theiner, G. Beer, C. Dünser: Fachtagung Baustatik - Baupraxis 11, Universität Innsbruck, , 247-254, 21. - 22. February 2010
W. Fleming & D. Kuhl
Convergence Aspects of the eXtended Finite Element Method Applied to Linear Elastic Fracture Mechanics. In: N. Bicanic, R. de Borst, H. Mang, G. Meschke: Computational Modelling of Concrete Structures, EURO-C 2010, Rohrmoos/Schladming, 15. - 18. March 2010
S. Hartmann, D. Kuhl & K.J. Quint
Time-Adaptive Computation of Finite Strain Thermoviscoplastic Structures. In: K. Steinhoff, H.J. Maier, D. Biermann: Functionally Graded Materials in Industrial Mass Production, 269-282, 2009
D. Kuhl, G. Meschke, S. Krimpmann & J. Kruschwitz
Der Beton lebt: Computersimulationen prognostizieren die Lebensdauer von Betontragwerken. Rubin Sonderheft, Ruhr-Universität Bochum, 28-33, 2009
J. Kruschwitz, S. Krimpmann, D. Kuhl, I. Bevanda, M.J. Setzer & G. Meschke
Durability of Cementitious Materials and the Role of the Pore Structure: Experimental Observations and Numerical Modeling. In: F. Stangenberg, O.T. Bruhns, D. Hartmann, G. Meschke: Third International Conference Lifetime-Oriented Design Concepts, 449-469, Bochum, 12. - 14. November 2007
S. Krimpmann, G. Meschke, P.A. Agüuero Espndola, & D. Kuhl
Chemical Reactions in Cementitious Materials: Phenomena and Modelling. In: F. Stangenberg,O.T. Bruhns, D. Hartmann, G. Meschke: Third International Conference Lifetime-Oriented Design Concepts, 307-316, Bochum, 12. - 14. November 2007
M. J. Setzer, J. Kruschwitz, I. Bevanda, S. Krimpmann, D. Kuhl & G. Meschke
Structure of Pore System Essential for Durability of Cementitious Materials. In: M.J. Setzer: 5th International Essen Workshop, Transport in Concrete, TRANSCON 07, 529, Essen, 11. - 12. June 2007
S. Krimpmann. D. Kuhl & G. Meschke
A Computational Electro-Chemo-Mechanical Model for Calciumhydroxide Dissolution-Diffusion. In: M.J. Setzer: 5th International Essen Workshop, Transport in Concrete, TRANSCON 07, 421-434, Essen, 11. - 12. June 2007
D. Kuhl
A General Numerical Model for Coupled Processes in Concrete. In: M.J. Setzer: 5th International Essen Workshop, Transport in Concrete, TRANSCON 07, 373-386, Essen, 11. -12. June 2007
S. Bekiroglu & D. Kuhl
Development and Verfication of hp-FEM for Elastostatic Plane Problems. In: 7th International Congress on Advances in Civil Engineering, Yildiz Technical University, Istanbul, 11. - 13. October 2006
D. Kuhl & G. Meschke
Generalized Modeling and Nuerical Analysis of Multiphysics Problems - Application to Chemo-Mechanical Damage of Concrete. In: G. Meschke, R. de Borst, H. Mang, N. Bicanic: Computational Modelling of Concrete Structures, EURO-C 2006, Mayrhofen, 27. - 30. March 2006
D. Kuhl, F. Bangert, C. Becker, S. Krimpmann, E. Rumanus & G. Meschke
Numerical Methods for Multifield Durability Analyses. Keynote paper in: G. Meschke, R. de Borst, H. Mang, N. Bicanic: Computational Modelling of Concrete Structures, EURO-C 2006, Mayrhofen, 27. - 30. March 2006
S. Krimpmann. D. Kuhl & G. Meschke
Simulation of Transport Processes in Cementitious Materials by Continuous and Discontinuous Galerkin Schemes. In: G. Meschke, R. de Borst, H. Mang, N. Bicanic: Computational Modeling of Concrete Structures, EURO-C 2006, Mayrhofen, 27. -30. March 2006
D. Kuhl, & G. Meschke
Simulation of Dynamic Buckling of Shells by Discontinuous and Continuous Galerkin Integration Schemes. In: E. Ramm, W.A. Wall, K.-U. Bletzinger, M. Bischoff: Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Computation of Shell and Spatial Structures, Salzburg, 1. - 4. June 2005
C. Becker, D. Kuhl & G. Meschke
Higher Order Discretization Concepts for Multifield Durability Analysis. In: E. Ramm, W.A. Wall, K.-U. Bletzinger, M. Bischoff: Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Computation of Shell and Spatial Structures, Salzburg, 1. - 4. June 2005
S. Carstens & D. Kuhl
Non-Linear Earthquake Simulation of Tensegrity Structures by Spatial and Temporal Galerkin Methods. In: R. Höffer, B. Verbic: DYNET - Workshop for Young Engineers, , 19-37, Herceg Novi, 27. - 28. September 2004
D. Kuhl & G. Meschke
Robust Time Integration Schemes for Durability Analyses. Invited Lecture in: X. Li, B.A. Schrefler, G. Meschke: Minisymposium on 'Computational Geomechanics and Environmental Mechanics with Coupled Problems'. In: M.W. Yuan, W.X. Zhong: Sixth World Congress on Computational Mechanics, WCCM VI, Beijing, 5. - 10. September 2004
G. Meschke, P. Dumstorff, F. Bangert & D. Kuhl
Fracture and Long-Term Deterioration of Concrete Structures: Discontinuous Discretization Concepts and Multiphase Models. Invited Lecture in: T. Jefferson, R. Crouch: Minisymposium on 'Challenges in Concrete Computational Mechanics'. In: P. Neittaanmäki, T. Rossi, S. Korotov, E. Oñate, J. Périaux, D. Knörzer: Fourth European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering, Jyväskylä, 24. - 28. July 2004
D. Kuhl & G. Meschke
Higher-Order Accurate Galerkin Time Integration Schemes for Non-Linear Reaction-Diffusion Problems. In: P. Neittaanmäki, T. Rossi, K. Majava, O. Pironneau, O. Nevanlinna, R. Rannacher: Fourth European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering, Jyväskylä, 24. - 28. July 2004
D. Kuhl
Thermomechanical Analysis Using Finite Element Methods with Particular Emphasis on Rocket Combustion Chambers. Invited Lecture in: J. Riccius, O.J. Haidn: Minisymposium on 'Thermally Induced Low Cycle Fatigue in Liquid Rocket Engines'. In: P. Neittaanmäki, T. Rossi, S. Korotov, E. Oñate, J. Périaux, D. Knörzer: Fourth European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering, Jyväskylä, 24. - 28. July 2004
D. Kuhl & E. Ramm
Conservation of Energy and Momentum of Implicit Single Step Time Integration Schemes. In: G. Augusti, C. Borri, P. Spinelli: Proceedings of the Third European Conference on Structural Dynamics, Eurodyn '96, Florence, 5. - 8. June, 349-356, 1996
S. Krimpmann, D. Kuhl & G. Meschke
Galerkin Time Integration of Chemical Dissolution and Species Transport in Porous Media. 3rd Biot Conference on Poromechanics, Norman, 435-442, Oklahoma, 24. - 27. May 2005
F. Bangert, E. Rumanus, D. Kuhl & G. Meschke
Modeling and Numerical Simulation of Long-Term Deterioration of Concrete Structures. In: F. Stangenberg, O.T. Bruhns, D. Hartmann, G. Meschke: Second International Conference Lifetime-Oriented Design Concepts, Bochum, 287-298, 1. - 3. March 2004
D. Kuhl & G. Meschke
Computational Modeling of Transport Mechanisms in Reactive Porous Media - Application to Calcium Leaching of Concrete. In: R. de Borst, N. Bicanic, H. Mang, G. Meschke: Computational Modeling of Concrete Structures, EURO-C 2003, 473-482, St. Johann in Pongau, 17. - 20. March 2003
F. Bangert, D. Kuhl & G. Meschke
Modeling of Concrete Deterioration by Alkali-Silica Reaction. In: R. de Borst, N. Bicanic, H. Mang, G. Meschke: Computational Modeling of Concrete Structures, EURO-C 2003, 361-371, St. Johann in Pongau, 17-20 March 2003
D. Kuhl & G. Meschke
Higher Order Transport Models for the Simulation of Dissociation-Diffusion Processes in Reactive Porous Media. Invited Lecture in: F.-J. Ulm, G. Meschke: Minisymposium on 'Computational Durability Mechanics'. In: H.A. Mang, F.G. Rammersdorfer, J. Eberhardsteiner: Fifth World Congress on Computational Mechanics, WCCM V, Vienna, 7.-12. July 2002
G. Meschke, F. Bangert, S. Grasberger & D. Kuhl
'Computational Durability Mechanics' als Grundlage künftiger lebensdauerorientierter Entwurfskonzepte von Stahlbetonstrukturen. In: D. Dinkler: Baustatik Baupraxis, 225-236, Technische Universität Braunschweig, 21. - 22. March 2002
G. Meschke, F. Bangert, S. Grasberger & D. Kuhl
Computational Durability Analysis of Concrete Structures Considering Damage, Moisture Transport and Chemical Dissolution Processes. fib - Symposium 'Concrete and Environment', fib 2001, Berlin, 3 - 5 October 2001
S. Müller, D. Kuhl, M. Stumvoll & G. Meschke
Modeling of Anisotropic Elasticity and Damage on Macroscopic and Microplane Levels - A Comparison. European Conference on Computational Mechanics, ECCM-2001, Cracow, 26. - 29. June 2001
G. Meschke, S. Grasberger, P. Dumstorff, A. Flatten, F. Bangert & D. Kuhl
Life-Time Oriented Multifield FE-Analyses of Concrete Structures. European Conference on Computational Mechanics, ECCM-2001, Cracow, 26. - 29. June 2001
D. Kuhl & G. Meschke
A Comparison of Coupled Chemo-Mechanical Damage Models of Concrete Using Phenomenological Chemistry and Reaction Kinetics. Invited Lecture in: F.-J. Ulm: Minisymposium on 'Computational Durability Mechanics'. In: K.J. Bathe: First MIT Conference on Computational Fluid and Solid Mechanics, 1278-1280, Cambridge, 12. - 14. June 2001
S. Grasberger, F. Bangert, D. Kuhl & G. Meschke
Numerical Modeling of Environmentally Induced Deterioration of Concrete. In: R. de Borst, J. Mazars, G. Pijaudier-Cabot, J.G.M. van Mier: Fourth International Conference on Fracture Mechanics of Concrete Structures, 133-143, Cachan, 28. May - 1. June 2001
F. Bangert, D. Kuhl & G. Meschke
Finite Element Simulation of Chemo-Mechanical Damage Under Cyclic Loading Conditions. In: R. de Borst, J. Mazars, G. Pijaudier-Cabot, J.G.M. van Mier: Fourth International Conference on Fracture Mechanics of Concrete Structures, 207-214, Cachan, 28. May - 1. June 2001
F. Bangert, S. Grasberger, D. Kuhl & G. Meschke
Numerical Modeling of Long-Term Deterioration of Concrete Structures Accounting for Hygral and Chemical Processes. In: W.A. Wall, K.-U. Bletzinger, K. Schweizerhof: Trends in Computational Structural Mechanics, Lake Constance, 69-78, 20. - 23. May 2001
D. Kuhl, S. Müller & G. Meschke
An Extension of the Microplane Model for the Modeling of Anisotropic Elasticity and Damage of Particle Based Recycling Materials. In: W.A. Wall, K.-U. Bletzinger, K. Schweizerhof: Trends in Computational Structural Mechanics, 145-154, Lake Constance, 20. - 23. May 2001
F. Bangert, D. Kuhl & G. Meschke
Modellbildung des Kalziumauslaugens im Rahmen eines chemo-mechanischen Modells zum Zwecke von Dauerhaftigkeitsuntersuchungen von Betonstrukturen. Forschungskolloquium Baustatik-Baupraxis, Bad Herrenalb, 25. - 27. September 2000
D. Kuhl, F. Bangert & G. Meschke
An Extension of Damage Theory to Coupled Chemo-Mechanical Processes. European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Science and Engineering, Barcelona, 11. - 14. September 2000
D. Kuhl, J. Riccius & O.J. Haidn
Thermomechanical Fluid-Structure Analysis and Mathematical Optimization Techniques Applied to Cryogenic Liquid Rocket Engine Design. Fourth International Symposium on Liquid Space Propulsion, Lampoldshausen, Germany, 12. - 15. March 2000
D. Kuhl & E. Ramm
Shell Dynamics of Enhanced Assumed Strain Elements for the Generalized Energy-Momentum Method. Invited Lecture in: P.G. Bergan, S. Govindjee, R.L. Taylor, N.-E. Wiberg: Minisymposium on 'Computational Dynamics'. In: A. Carosio, P. Smolarkiewicz, K. William, J. Yang: US National Congress on Computational Mechanics. 50-51, Boulder, Colorado, 4. - 6. August 1999
D. Kuhl, A. Holzer & O. J. Haidn
Computational Solution of the Inverse Heat Conduction Problem of Rocket Combustion Chambers. 35th AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference and Exhibit, Los Angeles, 20. - 23. June 1999
A. Woschnak & D. Kuhl
Simulation of Heat Transfer in Regeneratively Cooled Rocket Combustion Chambers. Fourth ECCOMAS Computational Fluid Dynamics Conference, Athens, 7. - 11. September 1998
D. Kuhl, O.J. Haidn, J. Josien & D. Coutellier
Structural Optimization of Rocket Engine Cooling Channels. 34th AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference and Exhibit, Cleveland, 13. - 15. July 1998
D. Kuhl, A. Woschnak & O.J. Haidn
Coupled Heat Transfer and Stress Analysis of Rocket Combustion Chambers. 34th AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference and Exhibit, Cleveland, 13. - 15. July 1998
D. Kuhl
Thermomechanical Analysis of Rocket Combustion Chambers. In: S.R. Idelsohn, E. Oñate, E.N. Dvorkin: Computational Mechanics, New Trends and Applications. Proceedings of the Fourth World Congress on Computational Mechanics. Buenos Aires, Argentina, 29. June - 2. July 1998
D. Kuhl & E. Ramm
Generalized Energy-Momentum Method for Non-Linear Dynamics of Shells. Invited Lecture in: P. Wriggers, C. Sansour: Minisymposium on 'Computational Methods for the Nonlinear Dynamics of Structures'. In: S.R. Idelsohn, E. Oñate, E.N. Dvorkin: Computational Mechanics, New Trends and Applications. Proceedings of the Fourth World Congress on Computational Mechanics. Buenos Aires, Argentina, 29. June - 2. July 1998
D. Kuhl, K. Fröhlke & O.J. Haidn
Analysis of Hydrogen/Oxygen Combustor Heat Transfer and Structural Failure. In: J.C. Bolcich, T.N. Veziroglu: Hydrogen Energy Progress XII. Proceedings of the 12th World Hydrogen Energy Conference, 1255-1264, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 21. - 26. June 1998
A. Woschnak & D. Kuhl
Simulation der Fluid-Struktur-Interaktion bei regenerativ gekühlten Raketenbrennkammern. In: D. Haller: Numerische Simulation in Feinwerk-/Mikrotechnik und Elektronik, Munich, 4.-5. March 1998
K. Fröhlke, O.J. Haidn & D. Kuhl
Requirements for H2/O2 Steam Generators. The 3rd International Conference of New Energy Systems and Conversions, Kazan, Russia, 8. - 12. September 1997
E. Ramm & D. Kuhl
Stabilized Time Integration Techniques for Non-Linear Dynamics. Invited Lecture in: R.L. Taylor, F. Armero, S. Govindjee: Simo Symposium 'Novel Concepts in Solid Mechanics'. US National Congress on Computational Mechanics. San Francisco, California, 6. - 8. August 1997
Lecture Manuscripts
Mechanik I. Fachgebiet Baumechanik/Baudynamik, Universität Kassel, 2009
Mechanik II. Fachgebiet Baumechanik/Baudynamik, Universität Kassel, 2009
Mechanik III. Fachgebiet Baumechanik/Baudynamik, Universität Kassel, 2009
Numerische Mechanik I. Fachgebiet Baumechanik/Baudynamik, Universität Kassel, 2009
Numerische Mechanik II. Fachgebiet Baumechanik/Baudynamik, Universität Kassel, 2009
Finite Elemente I+II. Fachgebiet Baumechanik/Baudynamik, Universität Kassel, 2008
Computational Mechanics of Materials and Structures (COMMAS), 13.-14. Oktober 2005, Universität Stuttgart
Computational structural dynamics - i) linear structural dynamics ii) non-linear structural dynamics, 24.-27. April 2009, Sts. Cyril and Methodius University, Skopje, Macedonia
D. Kuhl, G. Meschke
Grundlagen der Finite Elemente Methode. Lehrstuhl für Statik und Dynamik, Ruhr-Universität Bochum, 2002
D. Kuhl, G. Meschke
Finite Elemente Methoden I. Lehrstuhl für Statik und Dynamik, Ruhr-Universität Bochum, 2002
D. Kuhl, G. Meschke
Finite Elemente Methoden II. Lehrstuhl für Statik und Dynamik, Ruhr-Universität Bochum, 2002
D. Kuhl, G. Meschke
Finite Element Methods in Linear Structural Mechanics. Lehrstuhl für Statik und Dynamik, Ruhr-Universität Bochum, 2005
D. Kuhl
Nichtlineare Strukturdynamik. Lehrstuhl für Statik und Dynamik, Ruhr-Universität Bochum, 2003
D. Kuhl
Spatial and Temporal Discretization Methods for Non-Linear Structural Dynamics. South Eastern European Center of Ph.D. Studies in Engineering, Ss. Cyril and Methodius University, Skopje, Macedonia, 2004
D. Kuhl, G. Meschke
Advanced Finite Element Methods. Lehrstuhl für Statik und Dynamik, Ruhr-Universität Bochum, 2005
M. Baitsch, D. Kuhl
Object-Oriented Modeling and Implementation of Structural Analysis Software. Lehrstuhl für Bauinformatik, Lehrstuhl für Statik und Dynamik, Ruhr-Universität Bochum, 2005
D. Kuhl
Computational Structural Dynamics. COMMAS - Computational Mechanics of Materials and Structures, University of Stuttgart, 2005
D. Kuhl, J. Mergheim, S. Krimpmann
NATIVE. 'numerical analysis tools in virtual engineering'. Lehrstuhl für Statik und Dynamik, Ruhr-Universität Bochum, 2005