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Dr.-Ing. Wernfried Schier

Research associates

Kurt-Wolters-Straße 3
34125 Kassel
Ingenieurwissenschaften I, 3112

Vita  (Dr.-Ing. Wernfried Schier)

  • 1983 - 1992:
    Studies of civil engineering at the University of Hannover, diploma thesis at the Institute of Sanitary Engineering and Waste Management (Prof. Dr. C.F. Seyfried), topic: "Investigations on the most extensive nutrient elimination at the wastewater treatment plant Itzehoe".

Professional career:

  • 1992 - 1996:
    Project engineer at the PFI Planungsgemeinschaft, Hannover
  • since 1997:
    Scientific assistant at the FG SWW of the University of Kassel
    10/2002: Completion of the doctoral thesis, dissertation: "An exemplary approach to the integration of new design routes and new treatment technologies in the upgrading of wastewater treatment plants".

Memberships  (Dr.-Ing. Wernfried Schier)

  • Member of the DWA Working Group KA-6.2 "Activation Plants with Accumulation Operation (SBR)", since 2021
  • Member and deputy chairman of the DWA Technical Committee KA-7 "Membrane Activation Processes" (2003 to 2020)
  • Member and speaker of the DWA working group KA-7.4 "Development capability and performance of the membrane activated sludge process" (2005 to 2014)
  • Member of the DWA working group KA-7.3 "Pretreatment, sludge treatment, residual materials in the membrane activated sludge process" (2005 to 2014)
  • Member of the doctoral committee of the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at the University of Kassel
  • Member of the examination board of the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at the University of Kassel
  • Member of the support association of IWAU e.V. at the University of Kassel
  • Chamber of Engineers of Lower Saxony, since 1995
  • German Association for Water, Wastewater and Waste (DWA; previously: ATV-DVWK/ATV), since 1994

Publications (excerpt)  (Dr.-Ing. Wernfried Schier)

Drensla, K.; Hoven, F.; Wiegmann, B.; Schier, W.(2021): Aeration tank volume and operating parameters on MBR plants - Applicable design approaches and future potential. 14. Aachener Tagung Wassertechnologie, Accompanying book, Aachen.

Liese, V.; Schier, W.; Emmert, S.; Felmeden, J. (2021): Evaluation of operational results and experiences for the most extensive phosphorus elimination. Wasser - Abwasser - Umwelt, Schriftenreihe des Fachgebietes Siedlungswasserwirtschaft, Vol. 43, Kassel University Press, ISBN 978-3-7376-0957-9.

Schier, W.; Telgmann, U.; Felmeden, J.: Multi-stage RBF technology for phosphorus, heavy metal and trace substance elimination from MWÜ/RWÜ. Proceedings of Aqua Urbanica 2019, Rigi Kaltbad (Switzerland), September 2019.

Schier, W.; Telgmann, U.; Felmeden, J.: Intensified Constructed Wetlands for CSO/SSO-treatment to achieve immission-oriented thresholds for phosphorus, micro pollutants and priority substances according to WFD. Proceedings of 8th International Symposium on Wetland Pollutant Dynamics and Control - WETPOL, Aarhus (Denmark), June 2019.

Schier, W.; Telgmann, U., Romaker, J.; Kosmützky, A.; Frechen, F.-B.; Felmeden, J. (2018). Elimination of Phosphorus and Micropollutants in multi-stage plant-covered Retention Soil Filter Plants (RSFP) for CSO; Proceedings of 16th IWA International Conference on Wetland Systems for Water Pollution Control, Valencia (Spain), October 2018.

Frechen, F.-B.; Schier, W.; Telgmann, U.; Romaker, J.; Päckert, K. (2018). Retention soil filter systems for P and micropollutant removal: why not to meliorate retention soil filters. Lecture volume for the DWA-WasserWirtschafts-Kurs Q/1 "Drainage concepts/remediation planning", DWA, Hennef.

Schier, W. (2015). Membrane technology for wastewater treatment - the new code of practice DWA-M 227. Lecture volume for the DWA-Kläranlagentage Kassel, DWA, Hennef.

Schier, W.; Frechen, F.-B.; (2014). Pre-treatment of wastewater prior to MBR systems and possibilities of sludge inventory management; Proceedings of European Conference on Fluid-Particle Separation (FPS), Lyon (France), October 2014.

Frechen, F.-B.; Schier, W.; Romaker, J.; Ordonez, J.A.; Grigo, M. (2013). The Ultra Low Pressure Ultra-Filtration (ULPUF) process for decentralized water supply in emergency situations - principle and practical experience. 10th Aachen Conference on Water and Membranes, pp. 83-93, ISBN 3-8107-0178-5.

Schier, W. (2013). The membrane bioreactor process - performance, costs, development. Proceedings of the DWA sewage treatment plant days Bad Soden im Taunus, DWA, Hennef.

Zheng, X., Yu, M., Liang, H., Qi, L., Zheng, H., Exler, H., Schier, W., Frechen, F.-B. (2012). Membrane technology for municipal drinking water plants in China: progress and prospect. Desalination and Water Treatment, Volume 49, Issue 1-3, pp. 281-295, ISSN 1944-3994/1944-3986; doi: 10.1080/19443994.2012.719337

Schier, W.; Drensla, K.; Janot, A.; Exler, H.; Engelhardt, N.; Frechen, F.-B. (2012). Mechanical pre-treatment (MPT) - revitalised by MBR process. Water Science & Technology, (66), pp 2524-2532, IWA Publishing 2012. doi: 10.2166/wst.2012.416

Schier, W.; Frechen, F.-B.; Ohme, M. (2011). Intermediate sieving (IntS) strategy to optimize separate MBR systems. Conference Book of the 6th IWA Specialist Conference on Membrane Technology for Water and Wastewater Treatment, pp 35, Aachen.

Schier, W., Dinkel, W.; Frechen, F.-B. (2010). Anaerobic purification process for the treatment of industrial wastewater containing heavy metals and sulfates. TU Bergakademie Freiberg, Scientific Communications of the Institute of Geology, No. 42, ISSN: 1433-1284.

Schier, W.; Exler, H.; Ohme, M.; Frechen, F.-B.; Drensla, K.; Janot, A.; Engelhardt, N. (2009). Holistic view on mechanical wastewater pretreatment (MAV) on municipal membrane activated sludge plants. 8th Aachen Conference on Water and Membranes, A11, ISBN: 3-8107-0064-9, Aachen.

Frechen, F.-B.; Exler, H.; Romaker, J.; Schier, W. (2009). Long-term performance of a gravimetrically operated membrane module for water treatment in disaster situations. 8th Aachen Conference on Water and Membranes, W9, ISBN: 3-8107-0064-9, Aachen.

Frechen, F.-B.; Schier,W. (2009). Performance and costs of the membrane activated sludge process. Lecture volume of the DWA-WasserWirtschafts-Kurs N/2 Kommunale Abwasserbehandlung, pp. 226-252, ISBN 978-3-941089-96-9, DWA, Hennef.

Schier, W.; Frechen, F.-B.; Drensla, K.; Janot, A.; Engelhardt, N.; Exler, H.; Ohme, M. (2009). Holistic view at mechanical pre-treatment on municipal MBR plants. Proceedings of the 5th IWA Specialized Membrane Technology Conference, Beijing, September 2009.

Frechen, F.-B.; Schier, W. (2009). Membrane filtration in wastewater treatment. Wiener Mitteilungen "Wasser, Abwasser, Gewässer", Vol. 212 "New challenges for water quality management", pp. 239 to 264, Vienna University of Technology, Institute for Water Quality, Resource Management and Waste Management. ISSN 0279-5349, ISBN 978-3-85234-104-0.

Schier, W.; Frechen, F.-B.; Fischer, St. (2009). Efficiency of mechanical pre-treatment on European MBR plants. Desalination 236 (2009) 85-93, doi:10.1016/j.desal.0000.00.000.

Schier, W.; Frechen, F.-B. (2008). Efficiency of mechanical pre-treatment (MPT) on European MBR plants; IWA Conference "Design and operation of membrane plants for water, wastewater and industrial water", Amsterdam, October 2008.

Frechen, F.-B.; Schier, W.; Linden, C. (2008): Mechanical wastewater pretreatment on municipal membrane activated sludge plants. KA Correspondence Wastewater, Waste 2008 (55), no. 1, pp. 39-44. ISSN 1616-430X

Schier, W.; Frechen, F.-B.; Fischer, St. (2007). Investigations on the performance of screens on European membrane activated sludge plants. Membrane technology in water and wastewater treatment, 7th Aachen Conference on Water and Membranes. Pp. A24-1 to A24-13, ISBN 3-86130-888-6, October 2007.

Schier, W. et al. (DWA Working Group KA-7.4) (2007). Upgrading and Retrofitting of Wastewater Treatment Plants by Means of Membrane Bioreactor (MBR) Technology. 4th International Water Association Conference on Membranes for Water and Wastewater Treatment, Harrogate (Great Britain), May 2007.

Frechen, F.-B.; Schier, W.; Linden, C. (2007). Pre-Treatment of Municipal MBR Applications. 4th International Water Association Conference on Membranes for Water and Wastewater Treatment, Harrogate (Great Britain), May 2007.

Frechen, F.-B.; Schier, W.; Wett, M. (2006). Pre-Treatment at Municipal MBR Applications in Germany - Current Status and Treatment Efficiency. Water Practice & Technology-WPT, 2006, Vol 1 No 3. doi: 10.2166/WPT.2006057

Frechen, F.-B.; Schier, W.; Felmeden, J. (2006). The Plant-Covered Retention Soil Filter (RSF): the Mechanical and Biological Combined Sewer Overflow (CSO) Treatment Plant. Engineering in Life Sciences, Wiley-VCH, Vol. 6 - No. 1, pp 74-79, ISSN 1618-0240.

Schier, W.; Frechen, F.-B. (2006). Mechanical wastewater pretreatment in municipal membrane activated sludge plants; Membrane technology in wastewater management. Abstracts of the lectures presented at the Membrane Days, June 21-23, 2005, Osnabrück, Germany. PP. 78-95. ISBN10: 3-939057-09-6, ISBN13: 978-3-939057-09-3.

Wett, M.; Frechen, F.-B.; Schier, W. (2005). Membrane fouling analysis of municipal membrane activated sludge plants. Membrane technology in water and wastewater treatment: perspectives, new developments and operational experiences in Germany and abroad. 6th Aachen Conference on Urban Water Management and Process Engineering (6th ATSV), pp. A24-1 to A24-21. ISBN 3-86130-775-8, October 2005.

Schier, W. (2005). Wastewater pretreatment in membrane activated sludge process. 10th Kassel Symposium on Urban Water Management - Research for Practice. Publication series "Water - Wastewater - Environment" of the Department of Urban Water Management, Volume 27; Kassel University Press, ISBN 3-89958-161-X.

Frechen, F.-B.; Schier, W.; Felmeden, J. (2005). Plant-covered retention soil filter (RSF) Fulda Fellenweg for advanced CSO treatment - a ten year field report. 10th International Conference on Urban Drainage, Abstract collection, 2005. ISBN 8789220-80-3, Copenhagen (Denmark), August 2005.

Frechen, F.-B.; W. Schier, M. Wett; A. Waldhoff (2005). The "unconventional" low MLSS membrane technology. Documentation of the 13th European Water, Wastewater and Solid Waste Symposium in April 2005 in Munich, pp. 55 to 78, ISBN 3-937758-58-5 DWA, Hennef,

Frechen, F.-B.; Schier, W.; Felmeden, J. (2004). Retention soil filters - functioning, construction and operation experience. Niederschlagswasserbehandlung - Anforderungen an Planung, Bau und Betrieb", Schriftenreihe Siedlungswasserwirtschaft Bochum 2004, Vol. 47, p. 153. ISSN 0178-0980.

Frechen, F.-B.; Schier, W. (2004). Membrane filtration for wastewater treatment in Hesse: Environmental alliance Hesse - companies and authorities in dialogue. KA Correspondence Wastewater, Waste 2004 (51) No. 4, pp. 358-359. ISSN 1616-430X.

Schier, W. (2003). An exemplary approach to the integration of design pathways and new treatment technologies in the upgrading of wastewater treatment plants
Water-Wastewater-Waste. Schriftenreihe der Fachgebiete Siedlungswasserwirtschaft und Abfallwirtschaft der Universität Kassel, Band 22, Kassel 2003. approved dissertation. . ISBN 3-89958-039-7 / ISSN 0930-5459

Frechen, F.-B.; Schier, W.; Wett, M. (2003). Upgrading municipal wastewater treatment plants by using membrane filtration. Membrane technology in water and wastewater treatment - perspectives, new developments and operational experience in Germany and abroad, 5th Aachen Conference on Urban Water Management and Process Engineering, ISBN 3-921955-28-9, Aachen 2003.

Teaching  (Dr.-Ing. Wernfried Schier)

Summer term

  • Urban Drainage
  • Energy from wastewater systems

Winter term

  • Industrial Wastewater Treatment
  • Resource oriented water infrastructure systems
  • Water supply

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