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M.Sc. Janna Parniske

Research assistant

Kurt-Wolters-Str. 3
34125 Kassel
Ingenieurwissenschaften I, 3121

Vita  (M.Sc. Janna Parniske)

  • Since 04/2021
    Research Associate, FG Urban Water Management, University of Kassel
  • 08/2017 - 03/2021
    Project Manager, aquadrat ingenieure GmbH, Griesheim
  • 11/2014 - 07/2017
    Project engineer, Weber-Ingenieure GmbH, Pforzheim
  • 10/2008 - 09/2014
    Environmental Engineering B. Sc. / M. Sc., TU Darmstadt

Publications  (M.Sc. Janna Parniske)

Atallah Al-asad H.; Parniske, J.; Morck, T.; Alex, J. (2024): Simulation-based optimization of advanced wastewater treatment with powdered activated carbon. gwf Wasser | Abwasser, 12/2024

Atallah Al-asad H.; Alex, J.; Parniske, J.; Morck, T. (2024): Simulation-based process optimization of full-scale advanced wastewater treatment systems using powdered activated carbon. Water Science & Technology, 90 (11): 3008-3028. DOI:

Morck, T.; Parniske, J.; Qian, J.; Krieg, G.; Kiesecker, O.; Alex, J.; Atallah Al-asad, H.; Phan, L.-C.; Hetschel, M.; Krampe, L.; Wissing, H.; Hiller, J.; Daub, B.; Metzger, S. (2024): Decoding Spurenstoffe - Implementierung einer intelligenten Monitoring- und Steuerungszentrale für eine ressourceneffiziente Spurenstoffelimination aus Abwasser, Sachbericht zum BMBF - Digital GreenTech Langprojekt DecS. Water - Wastewater - Environment, publication series of the Department of Urban Water Management, Volume 49, Kassel University Press, ISBN 978-3-7376-0964-7, July 2024 , DOI:

Parniske, J.; Atallah Al-asad, H.; Qian, J.; Morck, T. (2024): Modelling competitive adsorption of organic micropollutants onto powdered activated carbon in continuous stirred tank reactors for advanced wastewater treatment. Water Research, 258 (2024) 121806, DOI: https: //

Qian, J.; Atallah Al-asad, H.; Parniske, J.; Brandl, A.; Degenhardt, M.; Morck, T. (2024): Influence of effluent particles and particle-bound micropollutants on the removal of micropollutants and UVA254 in wastewater effluent ozonation. Journal of Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, Vol. 270, 15 January 2024, 115915, DOI:

Ehrhardt, F.; Beißwenger, N.; Nguyen, T.H.; Parniske, J.; Neef, J.; Launay, M.; Morck, T.; Morhaus, T.; Bitsch, M.; Metzger, S. (2023): Trace substance elimination with powdered activated carbon in pulverized operation. Correspondence Wastewater, Waste, Vol. 70, No. 11, pp. 859-867, 2023

Morck, T.; Parniske, J.; Qian, J.; Alex, J.; Atallah Al-asad, H.; Phan, L.-C.; Hetschel, M.; Jagemann, P.; Metzger, S.; Daub, B.; Krieg, G. (2023): Sustainability potentials of digitized trace substance elimination from wastewater - the Digital GreenTech Project DecS. In: Wintgens, T. (ed.): 56th Essen Conference on Water Management "Safe Water Management in Times of Crisis", March 07 to 09, 2023 at Eurogress Aachen. Society for the Promotion of Urban Water Management at the RWTH Aachen e.V., ISBN 978-3-938996-62-1, pp. 16/1-16/9, 2023

Qian, J.; Riede, P.; Abbt-Braun, G.; Parniske, J.; Metzger, S.; Morck, T. (2022): Removal of organic micropollutants from municipal wastewater by powdered activated carbon - activated sludge treatment. Journal of Water Process Engineering, Vol. 50, December 2022, 103246. DOI:

Atallah Al-asad, H.; Parniske, J.; Qian, J.; Alex, J.; Ramaswami, S.; Kaetzl, K.; Morck, T.(2022): Development and application of a predictive model for advanced wastewater treatment by adsorption onto powdered activated carbon. Water Research, Vol. 217, June 15, 2022, 118427. DOI:

Teaching  (M.Sc. Janna Parniske)

Summer semester

Modeling and Simulation in Wastewater Engineering (2 SWS)

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By surname: Alle Anzeigen

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By role: Alle Anzeigen