ReadAndInstall.txt 25.03.2010 rei/Berlin Simflex and the Field of Produktionssystem are Legend, from 1969 to 2006 and on, at TU-Berlin, PSI Berlin and Univesity Kassel ( Simflex is a Simulations Tool for Plant Developing. A lot of enthusiastic people created Simflex ( Education, Development and Application of Simulation is here: Produktionsorganisation und Fabrikplanung ( Umweltgerechte Produkt- und Prozessoptimierung ( Limon-GmbH, Kassel ( Every one may use Simflex, as it is, for Lerning or Educating or if he gives his result free for all for Learning and Educating or if he gives his ... (HE, Berlin 23.03.2010). The simple version for learning educating LEV(Learn and Educate Version) has 3 files: LEV1) (Simflex kernel with Gts for designing and Gsl for running experiments) LEV2)Seminar (Learn and educating konzept from simple examples to sophisticated logistic tasks) LEV3) (FreeCommandLineTools) (C++ Compiler for logistic tasks) The version for Developer include the Software Base System DVV (Developer Version): DVV) The installation is very pragmatic: Extract the 3 LEV-zip-files to any partition of a disk or a stick to root level, you should see Sfx3D, Seminar and bcc55. Activate the file exeGsl3D.bat in the directory Sfx3D for executing or the file exeGts3D.bat for the design of an experiment, or create a link to the batch files for activating them. The tools Gsl and Gts offer command in their toolbars: Datei->Oeffnen (file->open) gives you access to an experimnet, e.g. in the directory Seminar/Anlagen and there to the experiment DMC610 (A Flexible Manufacturing System from Deckel; Munich 1988) The batch file setpath.bat in the directory Sfx3D sets some environment variables for the run. Here you may customize your experiments. In the directory Sfx3D/Doc is some base documentation for MS-Help and MS-Word. In the directory Seminar/Doc are some paper for an introduction and creating more tasks for educating for MS-Help and MS-Word.