Online-Workshop 11th Nov. 2022

Approaches for the sustainability assessment of research

Joint workshop of
LeNa Shape - Contact: Lena Pfeifer (lena.pfeifer[at]zalf[dot]de)
SynSICRIS - Contact: Andrea Moser

Approaches to assessing sustainability impacts differ in what they look at e.g. policy measures, products or institutions. When assessing the sustainability impacts of research, specific challenges emerge, as the open-endedness of research must be taken into account in a special way and an appropriate balance between freedom and social responsibility of research must be ensured.


Measuring societal impacts - concepts and methods, Dr Susanne Bührer Fraunhofer ISI. (PDF in German)

Integrative sustainability assessment and its application to research, Jürgen Kopfmüller, KIT-ITAS (PDF in German)

Use of RIA approaches for strategic planning of sustainably effective research, Lena Pfeifer, ZALF (PDF in German)

Prospective sustainability assessment of system innovations, Dr. Maike Hora, TU Darmstadt (PDF in German)


Indicators on regional knowledge transfer structures for sustainable development, Daniel Hirschmann, University of Göttingen (PDF in German)

Criteria-criteria points-indicators - their place in inclusive-use-focused research mode - decoded from an sientific evaluation perspective, Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Bewyl, univation (PDF in German)

Evaluation and research practice in spatial planning, Moritz Maikämper, ARL (PDF in German)

Importance of sustainability transfer for the HNEE, Dr. Christine Hobelsberger, HNEE (PDF in German)

The discussion focused on the following questions:

  • Which methodological approaches to impact assessment are transferable to the assessment of the sustainability impacts of research?
  • Which formats and indicators for reflecting on impact exist and function in the different project types?
  • How can criteria and appropriate indicators be developed and contextualised for different research areas?
  • How can conflicting goals between different sustainability objectives be dealt with methodically?
  • How can trade-offs between sustainability objectives be reflected and made visible?
  • What is the objective behind an indicator? How long is an indicator objective against the background of goal displacement?


Thorsten Michaelis

05542-98 1634


Program (PDF, german)


Workshop-Videos (German)

Workshop-Videos (german)