Registration of dissertation data

General information
Use this form to register the research data from your dissertation project with us so that we can clarify any open questions and identify possible difficulties. You can find more detailed information and FAQs on the central preservation of dissertation research data on the website

If you have any questions about this form or the preservation of your research data, please send an e-mail to or use the free text field at the end of this form. We will be happy to advise you.

* = mandatory field
Information on the data
e. g. "10 GB" or "200 MB"
If you have anonymized the data, it no longer has any personal reference. If you have pseudonymized the data, it is still personal.
Examples: Does the data originate from a cooperation with a company and/or are you unsure whether it may be stored in DaKS? Or does your data require special protection, e.g. because it contains locations of endangered species?