CINSaT Spring Colloquium 2020

CINSaT uses internal retreat to sharpen its scientific focus and intensify internal exchange.

As in previous years, the CINSaT invited to an internal retreat at the Ahorn Berghotel in Friedrichroda from 5-6 March 2020. The annual colloquium is an important communication platform not only for current research work within the focal points, it also serves to discuss the further development of the focal points and to plan coordinated joint projects. An important contribution to this is made by the doctoral candidates in the individual fields, whose contributions fill the meeting with life and thus help to create a broad-based platform for discussion. The fact that this concept has a positive effect on the development of the scientific centre was confirmed by the almost 80 participants.

After the warm welcome and opening by the CINSaT spokesperson, Prof. Dr. Johann Peter Reithmaier, the management gave an overview not only of current developments within the center, but also of the course of the colloquium. This year, a new format was introduced to further encourage interaction between the participants: in addition to the poster, the respective authors had prepared a single presentation slide. In the so-called "Poster Flash Sessions" they had the opportunity to draw attention to themselves and their research topic within one minute.

The hike through the forest following the presentation sessions of the first day, in bright sunshine and relatively mild temperatures, was welcomed by all and used for further exchange and getting to know each other.

The evening poster session in the Great Hall was a successful conclusion of the first day. The numerous research activities of the CINSaT were presented in an impressive and creative way on a total of 52 posters and offered an excellent basis for further discussions. Like last year, the end was deliberately left open, so that sufficient time was available for exchange and planning future collaborations.

The second day started with the second block of the lecture sessions. This year again, all contributions were of high quality and impressively demonstrated the success of interdisciplinary collaboration within the center.

This year's colloquium ended with the individual focal point sessions. In smaller groups ideas could be exchanged within the focal points and plans for further cooperation could be forged. In order to loosen up the format, the respective focus speakers became creative and partly carried out a "Science Speed Dating".

The new formats were very well appreciated and the new location for the poster session was also well liked by all participants, making it a successful event again this year.