New article by Langfeldt, Magerkort and Rauhut on quality in dual study programs appeared
At the GfHf Annual Conference 2021 on the topic of "Quality in the higher education system", the research community addressed quality expectations towards universities in the core areas of research, teaching, governance and transfer. On the topic of governance, the article by Bettina Langfeldt, Sören Magerkort, and Dennis Rauhut contributes to a fundamental understanding of quality in dual study programs by providing information on the relevant legal framework.
Bettina Langfeldt, Sören Magerkort, Dennis Rauhut (2023): Qualität im dualen Studium. Eine Analyse der rechtlichen Rahmenbedingungen auf Bundes- und Länderebene. In Benner, I., Dippelhofer, S., Hombach, K., & Müller, L. (eds.): Qualität im Hochschulsystem. Münster: Waxmann, pp. 201-221.