A. Kosmützky & F. Meier introduce a conceptual framework for analyzing competition in higher education, with a focus on competing as action.
New LCSS Working Paper sheds light on the relationship between cooperation and competition in higher education and sciencessenschaft erschienen
Kosmützky, Anna & Krücken, Georg (2025): Konkurrenz und Kooperation in Hochschulen und Wissenschaft. Hannover:…Lions, game players, or niche providers? Universities strategic positioning in funding competitions
Now online: Special Issue "How do universities compete?" (Studies in Higher Education, 49(10)
Kick-off event marks the start of the 2nd phase of the DFG research group
New Publication from the DFG research group "Multiple Competition in Higher Education" on the socializing effect of competition
The recently published journal article by Julian Hamann and Kathia Serrano Velarde examines the socialising effects of…We mourn the loss of Georg Krücken!
Congratulations! Magdalena Fellner and Nicolai Götze awarded the Ulrich Teichler Prize for outstanding dissertations in higher education research
New article on the federal states' roles in how universities compete in Germany by Seidenschnur, Götze, and Krücken appeared
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