How Does Competition among Universities Affect the Labor Market for New PhDs?

Dr. Stefan Büchele (Universität Kassel)
Prof. Dr. Guido Bünstorf (University of Kassel)
Matthias Hügel (University of Kassel)
Dr. Johannes König (Universität Kassel)
Maria Theißen (University of Kassel)
temporarily: Prof. Dr. Katarina Zigova (University of Zurich)
The planned project studies changes in labor market outcomes of newly graduated PhDs against the background of intensified competition among German universities. It analyzes empirically how the performance of German universities in the Excellence Initiative (Exzellenzinitiative) affected their doctorate recipients’ academic and non-academic labor market outcomes, as well as transmission mechanisms for this effect. By investigating interdependencies between organizational and individual competitive performance, the project contributes to our understanding of multiple competition in the university system.