05/02/2011 | ITeG

02.05.2011 Balaji Rajagopalan: Methods & Research Design to Study Virtual Communities

Wann und wo: am 02.05.2011 um 17:00 Uhr im VENUS Konferenzraum 0413

Balaji Rajagopalan
Professor of Management Information Systems & Associate Dean School of Business Administration Oakland University, Rochester, MI

Methods & Research Design to Study Virtual Communities

Wann und wo:
am 02.05.2011 um 17:00 Uhr im VENUS Konferenzraum 0413

Internet technologies and platforms have facilitated the creation of virtual communities (VC) that have enabled new business models and impacted every facet of business – from new idea generation to collaborative product development.  A study of virtual communities is critical to gain both practical insights and contribute to theoretical understanding of phenomenon.  In this talk, I hope to talk about the research opportunities in the domain of virtual communities with a particular emphasis on methods and research design for studying them.  As part of the discussion on research in virtual communities, I will present some of my completed as well as ongoing research in VC. I will also briefly outline some ideas for future research in VC with the hope that some of these may lead to collaborative research projects.