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Global Value Systems
by Prof. Dr. Praveen Jha (Jawaharlal Nehru University in New Dehli)
Finance and Development
by Juvaria Jafri (Wangari Maathai Visiting Professor Professor 2020/21)
Global Epistemic Justice, Post-Development and Knowledge Production in the Social Sciences
Prof. Dr. Sumi Madhok (LSE, Mercator Fellow in the DFG-project "Theorizing Post-Development”)
Recent Debates On The Holocaust, Antisemitism And Colonialism - An Israeli Perspective
Prof. Dr. Amos Goldberg (Hebrew University of Jerusalem)
Book discussion "En Bolivia no hay racismo, indios de mierda. Apuntes de un problema negado"
Dr. Julio Roldán, M.A. Claudia Guzmán de Rojas and more
Post Development, policies, and the sustainability of life
Dr. Ana Agostino (Mercator-Fellow and GPN Guest Professor)
China-Africa Agricultural Cooperation and South-South Cooperation
Mariasole Pepa (University of Padova)
Ancient Lineages, Modern Reawakenings- Marx, Buddha and Happiness
Prof. Dr. Devan Pillay (Wangari Maathai Visiting Professor 2021/22)
UNFSS 2021 Pre-Summit Synthesis Plenary
Tamisha Lee (President, Jamaica Network of Rural Women Producers)
GPN Conference 2022 - Keynote 'Zeitenwende' and international cooperation for sustainable development
Prof. Anna-Katharina Hornidge, Director of the German Institute of Development and Sustainability (IDOS)
GPN Kick-Off Conference 2020 - Full Recording
This is complete coverage of a GPN Kick-off conference that includes the presentation of the GPN and keynote speaker Prof. Dr. Sabelo J. Ndlovu-Gathseni.
Podcast: On transforming food: voices from the (battle)fields

The podcast features combative voices from those working in the various parts of the food sector - mainstream, emergency and charity, and alternative.
initiated by Dr. Patricia Northover (UWI, Jamaica) and Dr. Képler Aurélien (ICKL, Haiti)