Strategies for Overcoming Economic Inequality

The main question is

What are effective policies for lessening economic inequality? Further questions are: (1) What measures to combat inequality are being currently proposed? To what extent are they appropriate with regard to the problem diagnosis? What additional actions or measures promise a reduction in economic inequality? (2) What social forces have campaigned for less economic inequality?  What strategies have been successful thus far?  How can these social forces be mobilized for collective action at various levels of government?

The chosen perspective considers issues specific to Southern partners: Brazil, India, and South Africa.


While much is known about the drivers of economic inequality, there has been relatively little research on the remedies for inequality to date and an integrated, interdisciplinary approach to develop alternatives is particularly long overdue. The main tasks of the project will be to conceptualize and develop countermeasures, outline implementation strategies, and identify relevant stakeholders for the achievement of more inclusive societies.

The aim of the project

The main aim of the project will be to conceptualize and develop countermeasures, outline implementation strategies, and identify relevant stakeholders for the achievement of more inclusive societies. Essentially it looks at measures to implement the Decent Work agenda. However, it goes a bit beyond the Decent Work agenda which focuses on a floor for wages, working conditions, and social protection. It also takes a look at how the top of the pyramid can be brought to make a contribution to more equality.

Project Coordinator

Prof. Dr. Christoph Scherrer
+49 561 804-3095 (-3253)
+49 561 804-3464
E-Mail: <link mail>scherrer(at)​uni-kassel.​de
<link https: fb05 fachgruppen politikwissenschaft globalisierung-und-politik.html>Website