3rd Workshop

Amsterdam, December 15-17, 2010

The 3rd ICDD Workshop on Domestic Work took place from Dec 15-17, 2010 in Amsterdam and was hosted by the Dutch trade union FNV Bondgenoten.

The participants, among them three representatives from the International Domestic Workers' Network (IDWN) from Hong Kong, Tanzania and Geneva, discussed how researchers and domestic workers' unions and groups can better collaborate in the future. The group worked on a research agenda that helps advancing the rights of domestic workers.

Researchers also presented preliminary results from studies conducted within the framework of the ICDD, e.g. a comparative study on how domestic workers organize themselves in eleven countries. The workshop participants, including researchers from Argentina, the Philippines and Italy joining via conference call, agreed upon the foundation of a Domestic Workers' Research Network that is planned to be launched at the 100th International Labour Conference in June 2011.

Contact: <link mail>hschwenken[at]uni-osnabrueck.de