1st Workshop
The labour market and social security in comparative perspective - ICDD, Kassel University, 7-8 April 2010
<media 1701 - - "TEXT, Program 1st Workshop Webster ICDD April 2010, Program_1st_Workshop_Webster_ICDD_April_2010.pdf, 29 KB">Programme</media>
Workshop Papers:
The past and future of the European social model
Birgit Mahnkopf and Christoph Hermann (HWR Berlin)
<media 1726 - - "TEXT, 1st Workshop Kassel Mahnkopf and Hermann, 1stWorkshop_Kassel_Mahnkopf_and_Hermann.pdf, 233 KB">Paper</media> <media 1727 - - "TEXT, 1st Workshop PPP Birgit Mahnkopf, 1st_Workshop_PPP_Birgit_Mahnkopf.pdf, 46 KB">PowerPoint Presentation</media>
From welfare state to development state: an introduction to the debates on the labour market and social security in South Africa
Khayaat Fakier and Edward Webster (University of the Witwatersrand, South Africa)
<media 1725 - - "TEXT, 1st Workshop Kassel Fakier and Webster, 1stWorkshop_Kassel_Fakier_and_Webster.pdf, 1.2 MB">Paper</media> <media 1728 - - "TEXT, 1st Workshop PPP webster fakier new, 1st_Workshop_PPP_webster_fakier_new.pdf, 660 KB">PowerPoint Presentation</media>
Decent Work for Street Vendors in Mumbai – A Distant Dream (Abstract)
Debdulal Saha (Tata Institute of Social Science, India)
<media 1724 - - "TEXT, 1st Workshop Kassel Saha Street Vendors Mumbai, 1st_Workshop_Kassel_Saha_Street_Vendors_Mumbai.pdf, 448 KB">Paper</media> <media 1777 - - "TEXT, 1st Workshop Debdulal Saha PPP, 1st_Workshop_Debdulal_Saha_PPP.pdf, 1.7 MB">PowerPoint Presentation</media>
Global Production Networks in the Manufacturing Sector in India: Preliminary Findings
Indira Gartenberg (Tata Institute of Social Science, India)
<media 1793 - - "TEXT, 1st Workshop Indira Gartenberg PPP, 1st_Workshop_Indira_Gartenberg_PPP.pdf, 135 KB">PowerPoint Presentation</media>
From Public Works to an Expanded Public Works in South Africa: Developing a research agenda
Khayaat Fakier and Themba Masondo (University of the Witwatersrand, South Africa)
<media 1796 - - "TEXT, 1st Workshop PPP Fakier Masondo new, 1st_WorkshopPPP_Fakier_Masondo_new.pdf, 78 KB">PowerPoint Presentation</media>
Social Security and the Working Class in India
Sharit K. Bhowmik(Tata Institute of Social Science, India)
<media 1794 - - "TEXT, 1st Workshop Kassel Bhowmik ppt, 1st_Workshop_Kassel_Bhowmik_ppt.pdf, 438 KB">PowerPoint Presentation</media>
Work and Livelihood Strategies: Street Vendors in Mumbai
Abhishek Sawant(Tata Institute of Social Science, India)
<media 1795 - - "TEXT, 1st Workshop PPP Abhishek Sawant, 1st_Workshop_PPP_Abhishek_Sawant.pdf, 733 KB">PowerPoint Presentation</media>