Development of Energy Efficient e-pedelec Rickshaw for Income Generation of Rural Community Through Quality and Easier Milk Handling

Main research question:Income generation through developing low cost e-pedelec rickshaw/transport trolley/e-cargo for easier handling of farm chilled/pasteurized milk and easier transportation from farm gate to consumer market.

Contact: <link mail>Dr. Anjum Munir

Project aim: This project aims at the appropriate design and development of an E-pedelec rickshaw/e-cargo for easier handling and transportation of chilled/pasteurized milk and other perishable agricultural products from farms to nearby consumer markets. This will improve the living standards of small entrepreneurs and rural community by improving their income generation opportunities. This will also reduce the drudgery work of using normal bicycles for cargo applications.
Pakistan is the 5th largest milk producer in the world. This is not just a means to service commuting people, but also to collect products and materials from producers and distribute them to consumers. Transportation has become a significant factor affecting the production costs of commodities. In Pakistan, more than 60% of the population are living in villages with 95% of small farmers. The milkmen transport milk to nearby dairies or distribute it within the city using motor-bike and simple bicycles as means of transportation. The fossil-fuel-powered motorcycles require large amounts of high-cost fuels on a daily basis, increasing the costs of the milk supply as well as environmental pollution, while simple bicycles used for milk transport are hard enough to use during the severe summer and winter seasons. The inefficient transportation source and delay in milk supply to the consumers is a serious concern since it increases the production costs as well as degrades the quality of milk, which is eventually reflected in the consumer price. Moreover, using a normal bicycle as a loading application is ‘drudgery work' and does not meet the ergonomics and occupational health standards as permissible under labor laws. Thus, this project is focused on providing need-based milk handling and transportation solutions at the farm level. The design and development of a low-cost, environmentally- and user-friendly energy efficient e-pedelec rickshaw is used to enhance income generation opportunities and rural community development. The optimum design parameters involved in the development, fabrication and operation of an e-pedelec rickshaw will be investigated. Former research projects from the Department of Agriculture & Biosystems Engineering, University of Kassel, Germany as well as from the University of Agriculture, Faisalabad (ICDD and DAAD) have shown that these types of demand-based technologies easily generate small scale enterprises in rural communities. E-pedelec rickshaws will create jobs in the rural areas and therefore keep people on the countryside as opposed to leading to further urbanization.

Project Coordinator

<link mail>Dr. Anjum Munir


A Decent work approach to optimize Mango Value chain Governance in Kenya (2017- )

Main Research Questions:Have the needs and governance of the mango value chain operators and how these influence the organizational structures and the performance of the mango industry in Kenya been analyzed?

Project’s aim:

1. To map the pre-investment component (source of planting material, variety, knowledge sharing, cost benefit analysis, and farmer organization and farmer education) of the mango value chain in Makueni and Kwale Counties, Kenya.

2. To characterize the investment options (planting, weeding, crop protection, harvesting- mechanical/manual) available to mango farmers in Kenya.

3. To determine product handling (cleaning, sorting, grading, packaging, labeling and storage) and transformation (primary/secondary) practices by mango value chain actors in Kenya.

4. To analyze the role of marketing/trading (Power dynamics- promotion, transportation, and commodity exchange) and consumer preferences in the mango value chain in Kenya.

5. To understand the relationships between the mango value chain actors in Kenya.

To identify decent work deficits in the mango sector, diagnose the symptoms and causes, and then suggest measures to enhance labor standards in the sector through dialogue and policy advocacy.

Structural Aspects of the Melon Production Chain Produced in Brazilian Northeastern Semiarid Region (2015 - )

The Açú-Mossoro in Northeast Brazil annually produces 250,000 tons of melons, with approximately 80% of this total is exported to European traders. Production is carried out for about just over 20 producers, who are organized as follows: a cooperative of small producers (COODAP); a cooperative of medium producers (COPYFRUTAS); plus a large company. The private company is considered the largest melons producer in the world, with 20,000 hectares of fruits, employing 6000 workers and contributing for 70% of the region's exports.
The research project: investigates labor relations in melon production of the Açu-Mossoró highlighting the quality of jobs created directly by the company and the family farmers; addresses the value added at each link in the production chain of melon produced in Region, including working information on the cost of labor in the final price of the exported product and the contribution of work in different production models; evaluates the impact of changes in the international conjuncture and the Brazilian  exchange rate in terms of employment, workers' remuneration and its contribution to cost of production.

Pilot Study of Small Tea Growers in India: Issues of the Value Chain and Decent Work (2016 - )

Main Research Questions:How do small tea growers (STGs) organise land, capital, labour and work? Are they following similar or diverse pattern? How are the STGs getting organised in order to promote their interest and address the problems? What factors do STGs consider while setting the price and quantity to be supplied and what role does market play? How and in what ways do the STGs add value in the tea production? What are the working conditions of these small tea growers in different spheres of decent work such as social protection and social dialogue?

Project’s aim: Small growers are more vulnerable as compared to large plantation workers. Their vulnerability persists in terms of organizing and bargaining over price setting. The study aims to look at the various issues within the decent work domain especially in terms of social dialogue, access to social protection and other basic work and employment opportunities. Reducing costs of production for small growers would also lead to increase in productivity. Therefore the study aims to establish the linkages between value chain and decent work.
What is the role of the state and how can small tea growers influence the state to provide for other cost reducing activities such as social protection, health facilities, sanitation and prevention of disease, better housing etc.?
This research will explore the value chain of tea. There have been some studies that have followed the manufacture of tea in the large sector to the markets abroad. We should stress here that though the price of tea in the national market has been rising (India is also the largest consumer of tea) and the export sector too is expanding, tea plantation workers are the lowest paid not just in the plantation sector (tea, coffee, rubber, cinchona, cardamom) but also in the formal sector in general. Processed tea, manufactured in the plantations or local factories are either sent to the auction centers (Guwahati, Siliguri, and Kolkata for Eastern India). The large tea marketing companies buy from there. It is believed that cartelization of buyers in the auctions do not allow tea prices to rise even though there may be high demand. The cartels comprising a handful of big buyers (most are MNCs) thus buy tea at lower prices and sell at much higher prices after packaging the product. We will have study this process in order to understand why the producers get less for their product.
If larger plantations are victims of cartelization, small growers are even more vulnerable. If Bought Leaf Factories, like the other producers, get low prices, they will buy green leaves from small growers at lower rates. The small grower too will cut down on labor costs in order to cut down costs of production. This will have an impact on the living conditions of small growers and the labor engaged in these plantations. We need to look at these issues within the ambit of decent work, not merely in terms of wages and living conditions but in other spheres as well such as social dialogue for easing their tensions (what is the role of the state and how can small growers influence the state to provide for other cost reducing activities such as social protection, health facilities, sanitation and prevention of disease, better housing etc. These would help in reducing costs of production for small growers and would also lead to increase in productivity. We can thus see that the value chain and decent work are closely linked.