Application Requirements
Application Requirements
- <media 12038 - - "TEXT, Application Data Sheet 01, Application_Data_Sheet_01.doc, 78 KB">Application Data Sheet</media> (please note: applications missing this document will not be processed)
- Cover Sheet
- Curriculum Vitae
- M.A. proposal including topic, research question, short overview of the relevant literature, theoretical approach, research design and methodology, time plan for field research and connection to "Decent Work" (5 pages)
- Recommendation letter from the supervisor
- Travel insurance that includes medical emergency, repatriation and associated expenses (after acceptance for scholarship)
Applications with all necessary documents must be submitted per E-Mail on time to: <link mail>Birgit Felmeden, Executive Manager
The Call for Applications is closed!
Please note that students applying for an M.A. Thesis Research Grant are themselves responsible of acquiring sufficient information on the country they will be travelling to, including questions of vaccination prior to their departure.
For instance, see the <link https: en>homepage of the Federal Foreign Office.
German applicants are advised to register on "<link https: elefandextern home>Elefand"!