C13 - Heat Storage for Solar Heating Systems
Host: University of Denmark
Date: May 17th - 23rd, 2014
Solar heating systems can cover a large part of the yearly heat demand if long term heat stores are used. Long term heat storage is possible by means of sensible, phase change and thermo chemical heat stores. For small solar heating systems the heat storage is the most important component, both from a thermal and economical point of view. The thermal performance of solar heating systems is strongly influenced by the thermal stratification in the heat storage. The better thermal stratification in the solar tank is built up and maintained, the higher the thermal performance of the solar heating system. Consequently, it is very important that solar tanks are designed in such a way that thermal stratification is built up and maintained in the best possible way.
The course is focused on all aspects of heat storage for solar heating systems. The course held at the Technical University of Denmark was pretty intensive, both in terms of schedule (seven days in a row for the whole day) and for the variety of the topic which were treated. The first two days focused mainly on chemical and PCM storage materials as well as absorption and adsorption cycles. Additionally, the students had the chance to visit the laboratory and test facilities at the Department of Civil Engineering. Other two days were dedicated to water tank storage, of which many aspects were treated, from heat losses to thermal stratification, from different designs to modeling. The students had also the chance to perform some laboratory tests and present their results. Among the other activities, the visit to Arcon Solar headquarters and the workshop on soft skills from Golin Wissenschaftsmanagement are worth mentioning.
About this course
Solar heating systems can cover a large part of the yearly heat demand if long term heat stores are used. Long term heat storage is possible by means of sensible, phase change and thermo chemical heat stores. For small solar heating systems the heat storage is the most important component, both from a thermal and economical point of view. The thermal performance of solar heating systems is strongly influenced by the thermal stratification in the heat storage. The better thermal stratification in the solar tank is built up and maintained, the higher the thermal performance of the solar heating system. Consequently, it is very important that solar tanks are designed in such a way that thermal stratification is built up and maintained in the best possible way.
The course is focused on all aspects of heat storage for solar heating systems.
SolNet is an international PhD education program and network on Solar Thermal Engineering. It is coordinated by the Institute of Thermal Engineering at Kassel University, Germany.
SolNet provides the opportunity for manifold networking activities between PhD and Master students in the solar thermal field.
The networking activities started in 2006 with a Marie-Curie scholarship program on “Advanced solar heating and cooling in buildings” with ten PhD scholarships during 2006-2010. In 2011 and 2012 two SolNet courses took place supported by the German industry federations BSW and BdH. A second scholarship-program with a focus on large solar heating systems and sorption stores started in October 2013 with 13 PhD scholarships.
Dates and Activities C14
Day | Activies |
Saturday 17th May | Workshop on storage materials. |
Sunday 18th May | Course introduction & Visit to the laboratories of Civil Engineering. |
Monday 19th May | Lectures & exercises. Main topic: Thermal Stratification. |
Tuesday 20th May | Excursion to Arcon Solar and Dronninglund solar plant. |
Wednesday 21st May | Experimental aplications & presentations. |
Thursday 22nd May | Presentation of assignments. |
Saturday May 17 | ||
Whole day | Workshop on storage materials | Uni Kassel |
9:00 AM | Chemical aspects of heat storage | Rudolf Pietschnig, Uni Kassel (D) |
10:00 AM | Structure property relationships of sorbents | Rudolf Pietschnig, Uni Kassel (D) |
11:00 AM | Coffee break |
11:30 AM | Absorption and adsorption sycles for heating and cooling | Andrea Luke, Uni Kassel (D) |
12:30 PM | Lunch |
1:30 PM | Fundamental aspects of the thermophysical properties of the fluids in absorption cycles | Andrea Luke, Uni Kassel (D) |
2:00 PM | Fundamentals of heat and mass transfer in absorption cycles | Andrea Luke, Uni Kassel (D) |
3:00 PM | Coffee break |
3:30 PM | New fluids for absorption cycles – an overview | Andrea Luke, Uni Kassel (D) |
Sunday May 18 | ||
9:00 AM | Parallel work package meetings | Work package leaders |
11:00 AM | Course introduction | All Ph.D. students |
11:30 AM | Poster presentations of Ph.D. projects |
12.30 PM | Lunch | |
1:30 PM | Poster presentations of Ph.D projects continued | All Ph.D. students |
2:30 PM | Heat storage types: Sensible heat storage, PCM heat storage, thermo chemical heat storage | Henner Kerskes, ITW, Stuttgart University |
2:55 PM | Sorption heat storage |
3:40 PM | Coffee break | |
4:00 PM | Thermo chemical heat storage | Henner Kerskes, ITW, Stuttgart University |
4:50 PM | PCM heat storage | Simon Furbo |
5:30 PM | Solar heating research at the Technical University of DK | Simon Furbo |
6:00 PM | Visit to laboratory of Department of Civil Engineering |
8:30 PM | Dinner in town |
Monday May 19 | ||
9:00 AM | Heat loss from hot water tanks | Simon Furbo |
9:30 AM | Low flow systems | Simon Furbo |
10:00 AM | Thermal stratification – Fundamentals and importance | Simon Furbo |
10:40 AM | Coffee break |
11:00 AM | How to establish and maintain thermal stratification in storage tanks |
11:00 AM | Tank designs for SDHW systems | Simon Furbo |
11:20 AM | Mantle tanks for SDHW systems | Simon Furbo |
11:50 AM | Natural gas boiler/solar tank units | Simon Furbo |
12:10 PM | Smart solar tanks | Simon Furbo |
12:40 PM | Lunch |
1:40 PM | Different tank types for solar combi systems | Elsa Andersen |
2:10 PM | Theoretical investigations of different tank types for solar combi systems | Elsa Andersen |
2:40 PM | Inlet stratifiers | Martin Spanggaard |
3:10 PM | Coffee break |
3:30 PM | Stratified discharge | Simon Furbo |
4.00 PM | Methods to characterize thermal stratification | Elsa Andersen |
4:30 PM | Advanced measurement methods: PIV (Particle Image Velocimetry) - | Jianhua Fan |
5:00 PM | Example of modeling thermal stratification with CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics) | Jianhua Fan |
5:30 PM | Modeling of thermal stratification in TRNSYS | Jianhua Fan |
6:00 PM | Example of model validation | Simon Furbo |
6:30 PM | Numerical diffusion and how to avoid it | Simon Furbo |
Tuesday May 20 | ||
6:30 AM | Whole day excursion to Arcon Solar A/S, http://www.arcon.dk/, PlanEnergi, www.planenergi.dk and Dronninglund 37000 m² solar heating plant | Simon Furbo |
1:00 PM | Visit to Arcon Solar A/S | Søren Elisiussen, Arcon Solar |
12:10 PM | Lunch |
1:00 PM | Seasonal heat storage: Borehole storage and water pit storage | Niels From, PlanEnergi |
3:00 PM | Visit to Dronninglund solar heating plant | Søren Elisiussen, Arcon Solar |
Wednesday May 21 | ||
9:30 AM | Introduction to experimental investigations | Jianhua Fan |
10:00 AM | Experimental work in Laboratory |
12:30 PM | Lunch |
1:30 PM | Analyses of experiments/preparation of presentations |
3:30 PM | Coffee break |
4:30 PM | Presentations of results of experiments |
5:00 PM | Preparation of assignment |
Thursday May 22 | ||
9:00 AM 12:45 PM | Presentation of assignments | All teams of students wanting 5 ECTS points |
9:00 AM | Thermo chemical heat storage | Corey Blackman |
9:25 AM | Sorption heat storge | Jana Möllenkamp & Gerald Englmair |
9:50 AM | PCM heat storage | Aldo Perez & Renaldi |
10:15 AM | Heat of fusion storage with stable supercooling | Mark Dannemand |
10:40 AM | Coffee break |
11:00 AM | Long them heat storage by water pit storage | Federico Bava & Christian Nielsen |
11:25 AM | Smart heat storages with smart control strategies for solar heating systems | Artem Sotnikov & Alizeza Shantia |
11:50 AM | Literature study: How is the thermal performance of solar heating systems influenced by thermal stratification i the heat storage | Adrian Pugsley & Stefano Poppi |
12:15 PM | Hand in of assignment reports, course evaluation and closure |
12:45 PM | Lunch |
2:00 PM 18:00 PM | Workshop on getting started with the doctorate | Golin Wissenschaftsmanagement Dr. Markus Gyger |
The basics of doctoral research: Developing constructive objectives | ||
Setting the course: The tailor-made doctoral topic | ||
Doctoral research as a process: Setting priorities, defining milestones | ||
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Friday May 23 | ||
9:00 AM | Workshop on getting started with the doctorate (continued) Keeping the bigger picture in mind: Self-assessment and evaluating objectives My skills profile: What additional qualifications do I need – now and later? My own project in context: Aligning objectives with the supervisor The doctorate: My next steps | Golin Wissenschaftsmanagement Dr. Markus Gyger |
10:30 AM | Coffee break | |
10:50 AM |
Workshop on getting started with the doctorate (continued) | |
12:30 PM | Lunch | |
1:30 PM | Workshop on getting started with the doctorate (continued) | |
3:30 PM | Coffee break | |
3:50 PM 5:00 PM |
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| Workshop on getting started with the doctorate (continued)