System folder of the PeoplePlugin

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Organizational units

Editor groups

To protect personal data from unauthorized access, access to editor groups can be restricted. All personal data is available for the creation of lists. The restriction only applies to the ability to change or delete personal data.

  • Editor groups are created and managed by editors-in-chief.
  • Editors are assigned to these editor groups and can then only make personal data accessible to their own editor group.


The assignment of a role enables filtering according to certain criteria in the list view. Roles are created and managed centrally by the respective Typo admins of the web instances.

You can assign a specific role to a person data record.
Procedure in the list view:

  • Edit personal data record via the pencil icon
  • Select function and contact here / General tab / Select role + save
(opens enlarged image)
Screenshot: Roles in the department