VDI Zungang

All employees of the University of Kassel have access to a standard desktop pool on which basic applications are available.

If you would like to find out more about what else is available within the VDI, or are unsure whether the VDI is suitable for your particular project, please contact the IT Service (ITS).

Access software

You have two options for accessing the VDI from your end device:

  • Web access
    Log in via the web interface with the browser at https://vdi.uni-kassel.de by selecting the"VMware Horizon HTML Access" button.
  • Install access software
    Install the VMware Horizon Client access software. You can download the latest version for your operating system from the website https://vdi.uni-kassel.de.

To connect to the VDI of the University of Kassel, enter "vdi.uni-kassel.de" as the connection server.

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Then log in with your UniAccount (uk number and corresponding password).

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Once you have successfully logged in, an overview of the available applications and virtual desktops appears. These are available to you depending on your access authorizations. The view may therefore vary.

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You have the option of making settings on the display for each pool separately and then connecting to it.

Network configuration

If the service does not work as expected (applications / desktops do not start, etc.), please proceed as described under Network configuration .