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introducing ... / introducing an example /

introducing an example
To give an example: ... 12 0
Now let's take an example. 12 0
An example of this can be found ... 12 0
To illustrate this ... 12 0
Let's see this through an example. 12 0
For example, ... 12 0
For instance, ... 12 0
Here are some examples of ... 12 0
Let's look at some examples. 12 0
Here's a case where ... 12 0
Just to give you a couple of examples of that ... 12 0
We will see examples where ... 12 0
So, let's say, for example ... 12 0
In this particular example it's ... 12 0
This will become clearer with an example. 12 0
You only have to think of ... 12 0

