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encouraging ... / encouraging questions /

encouraging questions
I'm now open for your questions. 12 0
Before I summarise, do you have any questions? 12 0
We'll now have a short question-and-answer session. 12 0
If you still have some unanswered questions, now would be the time to ask them. 12 0
Any questions? 12 0
Any other questions, comments? 12 0
Are there any [specific] questions? 12 0
If you have any questions, please come to talk to me [after class]. 12 0
I'd be happy to answer any questions. 12 0
If there are any questions, please feel free to ask. 12 0
That covers the main points. If you have any comments or questions, I'll be happy to hear them. 12 0
So that explains my main point. Does anyone have any comments or questions? 12 0

