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asking for ... / asking for literature /

asking for literature
Can you suggest any literature? 12 0
I haven’t found recent literature. Could you help me? 12 0
Do you know if there is even more literature dealing with the topic? 12 0
I realised my lack of background knowledge to the topic you talked about in the seminar. Can you recommend any introductory literature? 12 0
The theory you mentioned in the seminar seems highly interesting. Have you got any additional/further/recommendable literature? 12 0
Is there any secondary literature I should consult? 12 0
Until now I have merely found literature on/about ..., but I still need literature about ... . Can you recommend anything? 12 0
I have found only [two] articles on this topic, but they are of no help/seem outdated. 12 0
I have already done research on literature: I found masses of literature for [X], but scarcely anything about [Y]. 12 0

