01/09/2025 | UB-Meldung

DFG continues to fund Kassel Open Access publications

Image: Open Access

As part of the German Research Foundation's funding program "Open Access Publication Costs", the University Library was once again able to raise 246,800 euros for the university's own publication fund. Since 2014, the DFG has been supporting the commitment in Kassel to a change in publication culture towards free access - Open Access (OA) - to academic publications. The current funding relates to the years 2025-2027.

The University Library has been operating a publication fund for the university since 2013, which promotes the worldwide free availability of first publications of scientific publications. This fund is used to reimburse the university's authors for article fees for publications in Gold Open Access journals and, since summer 2021, publication fees for Open Access monographs. In addition, it is also possible to publish free of charge in open access in hybrid subscription journals via the national DEAL contracts and other OA transformation contracts.

The publication fund is supplemented with funds from the library budget. The financial plan provides for a total of 250,000 euros to be made available annually for OA funding. The new program is intended to promote not only the financing of publications, but also the transparency of the costs of scientific publications and the establishment of a corresponding administrative infrastructure. The aim is to record the number, costs and funding contexts of publications by Kassel researchers and to make centrally and decentrally incurred costs more transparent.