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New book scanners in the university library
DFG continues to fund Kassel Open Access publications
As part of the German Research Foundation's funding program "Open Access Publication Costs", the University Library was…Cooperation: Kassel University Library digitizes holdings from Brehm Library
Viewable in ORKA: Grimm letters document early chocolate enjoyment
Brüder-Grimm-Platz location opens on November 20, 2024
Fit for your doctorate 2024/2025 - joint workshop series
DBIS database information system with a new design from October 15
From October 7: University Library locations with extended opening hours again
For the winter semester 2024/2025, longer opening hours will apply again at the external UB locations: School of Art:…New offer in the campus library: 3D-Lab
Revision of our Citavi training program