
Professor (W 3) in “British and North American History (18th to 20th century)”




as soon as possible



Bewerbungen an:


The Faculty of Social Sciences at the University of Kassel invites applications for the position of Professor (W 3) in “British and North American History (18th to 20th century)”. The position will be filled a.s.a.p.


The subject area will be represented in both teaching and research. Teaching responsibilities comprise, in equal measure, history courses for students in a) BA, MA and teachers’ training programs at the Faculty of Social Sciences (FB 05) and b) within the English and American studies programs (BA, MA and future teachers) at the Faculty of Humanities (FB 02). Courses offered in the latter programs are taught in English.


Cooperation with research projects of other subject groups in both Faculties, especially in History, are desired; intimate expertise in relevant aspects of both British and North American cultural history is required.


Experience in grant capture is, of course, also expected, as well as excellent publications, the professor’s engagement in supporting junior staff and cooperating with our Ph.D. programs. Participation in academic self-government is mandatory.


Conditions for appointment are stipulated in §§ 61, 62 of the Higher Education Act of the State of Hesse (“Hessisches Hochschulgesetz”). The position is available for an unlimited period.


For further questions please contact Prof. Dr. Jörn Lamla (Tel: 0561 / 804-2185, E-Mail: lamla@uni-kassel.de).


The University of Kassel is, of course, also desirous, in the interest of equal opportunities, of offering women and men the same potential and of countering persisting disadvantages. It strives for a significant increase of the number of women in research and teaching. Hence qualified women are strongly encouraged to apply. Persons with disabilities, if equally qualified, are preferred. Applications stating the reference number 31463 should be addressed, preferably in electronic form, to the President of the University of Kassel, D - 34109 Kassel.



In the event of any differences between the German and English versions of this call for application, the German wording is legally binding.