
Doctoral Researcher (m/w/d), salary scale EG 13 TV-H - Group Organic Plant Production and Agroecosystems Research in the Tropics and Subtropics

University of Kassel, Faculty of Organic Agricultural Sciences - Prof. Dr. Andreas Bürkert - provided availability of funding by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - fixed-term position, part-time (currently 26 working hours per week)

deadline for submission:


start of recruitment :


reference number:


applications to:


Part-time position with 65,00 % the working hours of a full-time employee. This is a fixed term-position for initially three years (§2 Abs. 2 WissZeitVG).

FOR2432 is a DFG Research Unit with a wide disciplinary scope, covering diverse dimensions of Social-Ecological Systems. Its research programme addresses transition processes in agriculture, ecology, economy, and society that are linked to rapid urbanization, using Bangalore, an emerging megacity in South India, as an example. Research will be carried out in close collaboration with our Indian partners. In the context of this project, a doctoral position is available addressing “Plant growth, water quality, carbon and nutrient flows in rural-urban cropping systems at different spatial scales”. The position cannot be shared. Main place of service is Witzenhausen, but extended field work in India for several months per year will be required. Fitness for service in the tropics is therefore mandatory.


The successful candidate will be responsible for:

  • Maintaining a factorial field experiment at the station of the University of Agricultural Sciences, Bangalore, in collaboration with PhDs from other sub-projects and the local Indian partners
  • Assessing nutrient and carbon fluxes in the field experiment and on farm in the rural-urban interface
    of Bangalore, aiming at better understanding the system dynamics of intensification
  • Assessing nutrients and contaminants, and their transmission along the food chain, for selected water bodies in the rural-urban research transect
  • GIS-based mapping of soil, plant and water related data
  • Participating in project-related seminars and workshops, and in international conferences
    by presenting own results



  • Completed university degree (MSc or diploma) in agronomy or related fields
  • Experience in field work and experimental design and evaluation
  • Demonstrated knowledge in GIS applications / remote sensing and mapping
  • Knowledge of processes determining nutrient fluxes and losses from agroecosystems
  • Fluent knowledge of English language (proven by internet-based TOEFL of at least 80 points
    or equivalent language certificate).
  • Ability and willingness to work in a dedicated team with an international and intercultural background
    in India and Germany

For further information refer to the project website www.uni-kassel.de/go/for-2432 or to Dr. Ellen Hoffmann, University of Kassel, Tel: +49 5542 98 1251, Email: ellen.hoffmann[at]uni-kassel[dot]de.

Protecting your personal information is important to us, so we will handle your personal information with care. If you give us your data, you allow us to store and use in the sense of the Hesse Data Protection and Freedom of Information Act. You can object to this at any time. Your personal data will be deleted.


The University of Kassel is an equal opportunity employer and aims at increasing the proportion of women in research and teaching. Qualified women are therefore expressly invited to apply. In case of equal qualification, physically challenged persons will be given preferential consideration. Applications shall indicate the position number and title and shall contain a letter of interest, a CV, copies of all university degrees and contact details of two referees (full address including email). Hard copies should be sent to the President of the University of Kassel, Mönchebergstr. 19, 34109 Kassel, Germany. Digital applications (acceptable only as single pdf file!) should be sent to bewerbungen[at]uni-kassel[dot]de.