Research Assistant (m/w/d), PostDoc, EG 13 TV-H - Department of Femtosecond spectroscopy and ultrafast lasercontrol
deadline for submission: | 02.07.2019 |
start of recruitment : | as soon as possible |
reference number: | 32373 |
applications to: |
Temporary employment until the end of the project (end of 2022) within the framework of the excellence initiative of the state of Hesse “SMolBits” (“Scalable Molecular Quantum Bits”).
- Scientific cooperation in the above-mentioned project, especially designing and performing experiments for coherent excitation on Lanthanide molecules in solution using shaped femtosecond laser pulses and evaluation of the acquired data
- Scientific exchange with the cooperation partners in the above-mentioned project and presentation of the results to the scientific community
- Instruction of PhD students in this research project
- Degree in physics or physical chemistry with doctorate with very good marks
- Experience with femtosecond lasers, pulse shaping techniques, optical spectroscopy and coherent control
- Fluid verbal and written communication in English
- Knowledge in scientific publication and presentation on international conferences
Of advantage will be:
- Thorough and independent working methods
- A high degree of organisational skills and working in a team
- Experience in dealing with Labview
For further information please contact Prof. Dr. Thomas Baumert, Tel.: 0561-804-4452, E-Mail: tbaumert[at]uni-kassel[dot]de or Dr. Hendrike Braun, Tel.: 0561-804 4188, hendrike-braun[at]uni-kassel[dot]de.
The project SMolBits ("Scalable Molecular Quantum Bits") is a new collaborative priority project in the frame of the state initiative for the development of scientific and economic excellence (LOEWE). Additional information can be found at
Protecting your personal information is important to us, so we will handle your personal information with care. If you give us your data, you allow us to store and use in the sense of the Hesse Data Protection and Freedom of Information Act. You can object to this at any time. Your personal data will be deleted.
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