
W2-Full Professor in Microeconomics and Empirical Energy Economics - Institutes for Economics

Faculty of Economic Sciences

deadline for submission:


start of recruitment :


reference number:


applications to:


The University of Kassel’s Faculty of Economics and Management is seeking a highly qualified individual with excellent academic expertise who will be in charge of research and teaching for the area of Microeconomics and Empirical Energy Economics.


Candidates should display a strong record of publications in international, peer-reviewed journals and entertain active networks to important actors and institutions in the field. Candidates’ research focus is expected to cover the following areas: 1) Innovation, competition and productivity in as well as the regulation of markets for energy technology and its applications, 2) Economic behavior of individual and collective agents in these markets. We expect the successful applicant to contribute to the main research fields of the Faculty of Economics and Management and other units in the university.


Experience in acquiring and coordinating third-party funded research projects as well as in interdisciplinary collaborations is required.


The successful applicant has to give introductory as well as advanced courses in Microeconomics, Statistics and Energy economics at undergraduate and graduate level, in German and English language.


The successful candidate is expected to contribute to the internationalization of the faculty. Active participation in the tasks of academic self-government is part of the incumbent’s regular duties.


The position will be co-financed by the cdw Stiftung gGmbH during the first five years.


The prerequisites for employment and performance requirements are determined by §§ 61, 62 of the Higher Education Act of the Federal State of Hesse.


For further information, please contact Prof. Dr. Patrick Spieth (Tel.: 0561 / 804 -2992, E-Mail: fb07-dekan[at]uni-kassel[dot]de).


The Universität Kassel is highly interested in its employee´s professional satisfaction. Therefore its Dual Career Service and its Family Welcome Service aim to promote the balance between partnerships, families and professional development. Among the strategic goals of the Universität Kassel is to considerably increase the proportion of women in research and teaching. Therefore, applications from women are especially desired. Applicants with disabilities, who are equally qualified and suitable, will receive preference. Please send your application including CV, certificates, credentials, list of publications, 3 selected reprints, presentation of research strategy, list of courses taught, statement of teaching strategy. Applications can be sent, with reference number, in electronic form to the President of the Universität Kassel, 34109 Kassel or to bewerbungen[at]uni-kassel[dot]de. In the event of any differences between the German and English versions of this call for application, the German wording is legally binding.