University of Kassel kicks off into new winter semester with new courses of study

"You are studying in a vibrant city at a vibrant university", said the president of the University of Kassel, Prof. Dr. Reiner Finkeldey, addressing the new students. "Welcome to all of you. Make use of the opportunities offered to you in the following years. Kassel is an exciting city and our university is on the move."
For instance, the new Bachelor’s programme plusMINT represents the university’s dynamic development. In this Hessian pilot course, young first-year students receive a first impression of various MINT subjects (mathematics, computer science, natural sciences, technology) and cab take the credits they earned on the course with them into a subsequent course of study. The first class comprises approximately 70 students.
Also new: upon request from the Ministry of Education, the university has created more possibilities for people seeking to teach at primary schools. The number of first-year students was raised by a good 30 places this winter term to approximately above 240 places. 1,386 people applied for these. The course with the most applicants was once again the Bachelor's programme in Social Work (1,520 applicants for 330 places).
Preliminary figures show, a total of 25,010 people are studying at Kassel University this winter term. The number of newly admitted students (first and new enrolments) amounts to 4,532. 5,365 of the now registered students are in their first semester (5,693 in 2018). Thus, the general tendency of slightly declining first semester figures is seen in Kassel, as well. 3,340 of all students are international students, which corresponds to 13.4 percent. All the figures now available are provisional. Exact data are expected for mid/end November. This Monday, lecture period officially begins.
In the foreseeable future, the range of courses offered to students will be expanded by the establishment of new professorships. A few weeks ago, the University of Kassel was exceptionally successful in a nationwide programme to promote tenure track professorships and recruited 13 new professorships. These will enable the university to support and strengthen key points in research and teaching and further improve student support.
The university is also pressing ahead with digitisation: the students' Campus Card now also functions as a student ID card and ticket for public transfer. The previous paper-based ID cards will not be used anymore.
A nationwide pilot project is the erection of a house for students. It will be opened in a few days. For this purpose, the university converted a historical building from industry on campus into a house for students, costing around 7.3 million euros. The house will accommodate the general students’ committee, but also student initiatives and an event centre will be located there.
Sebastian Mense
University of Kassel
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