INCHER colloquium: Research in the social sciences in Latin America: Collaboration, internationalisation and localism
INCHER Forschungskolloquium
mit Professorin Dr. Carolina Guzmán-Valenzuela (Faculty of Education and Humanities, Universidad de Tarapacá, Chile)
In this presentation, Professor Guzmán-Valenzuela will examine patterns of international collaboration in the social sciences in Latin America. Latin America has a rich tradition of research in the social sciences. However, global trends in higher education reinforced by international rankings are shaping knowledge production and are exercising pressure upon academics and universities. This is especially so in non-English speaking countries where academics in the social sciences (and also in the humanities) tend to publish in national languages and are context-specific. Drawing on data extracted from two well-known databases (Web of Science and SciELO) between 2002-2018, she will discuss the main publication patterns in the social sciences in Latin America. Results show that article publications in the social sciences are fast growing. Also, they show that both national and international collaboration (especially with certain countries in Europe and the USA) is becoming an important feature. Reflections about cognitive injustice and the invisibility of knowledge will be offered.
INCHER-Colloquium in Summer Semester 2022 – Research Colloquium 16.30 – 18.00 (hybrid-event)
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