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Sonja Buckel and Michael Wachendorf confirmed in office

University President Prof. Dr. Clement had nominated Buckel and Wachendorf for election and thanked them for their willingness to continue working on the University of Kassel's Presidential Board for the development of the university.
Agricultural scientist Wachendorf (61) has been Vice President for Research since 2021. "He has succeeded in establishing close cooperation in his own discipline between those universities in Hesse that conduct research in this field. We expect this to help shape the agricultural revolution in Germany with scientific impetus in the future. At the same time, Michael Wachendorf is characterized by the fact that he effortlessly looks beyond the boundaries of his subject. In recent years, he has rendered outstanding services to the definition of our research priorities and the creation of important foundations, for example in research data management. I look forward to working with him to further internationalize and diversify our research."
Buckel (54), a political scientist and lawyer, has been Vice President for Graduate Support, Gender Equality and Communication, also since 2021. The President said: "Sonja Buckel has worked hard to develop a concept and a unit for degree program marketing at the University of Kassel. Next year at the latest, when the sustainability degree programs are launched in the context of our Kassel Institute for Sustainability, it will be of central importance for us to draw attention to this offer nationwide. She has also developed a clever program to facilitate the transition between Master's and doctorate for those interested in a career in science, and she has set a new focus on diversity in equal opportunities work."
In addition to Ute Clement, Sonja Buckel and Michael Wachendorf, the Presidential Board also includes the Vice President for Studies and Teaching, Prof. Dr. René Matzdorf, and the Chancellor, Dr. Oliver Fromm. According to the Hessian Higher Education Act, the University Extended Senate is responsible for electing the President and Vice-Presidents. It consists of the 17 elected members of the University Senate and their likewise elected deputies.
Press contact:
Sebastian Mense
University of Kassel
Press spokesperson
Tel: +49 561 804-2474