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03/25/2019 | Berichte aus den Bereichen

ICDD of the University of Kassel continues German-Turkish conference series

The German-Turkish conference series on the transformation of state and society in Turkey, which began in Kassel, was continued on March 1 at the Middle East Technical University (METU) in Ankara.

Image: ICDD.
At the meeting in Ankara.

As one of the few universities where critical scientists can still hold on, METU offered researchers, teachers and also many students the possibility of a scientific exchange. The thematic focus was on the political and economic predicament in which Turkey finds itself. Discussions were held on the causes of the cultural dynamics driven by state-led religious policies, as well as the long-term causes and characteristics of the current economic crisis, which is becoming increasingly severe. Ethnographic studies that provided detailed insights into the socio-cultural transformation Turkey has undergone over the past two decades were also presented. The cooperation between the International Center for Development and Decent Work (ICDD) of the University of Kassel, the Association of Turkish Social Scientists and the Department of Political Science of METU is to be continued as far as possible and the scientific exchange is to be maintained within the framework of further conferences.
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